Onde Qyburn sugeriu que Cersei fosse?


In Game of Thrones S08E05, depois

Daenerys had significantly burnt through / destroyed King's Landing,

Qyburn sugeriu fortemente que Cersei fosse realocado para outro lugar. Para onde exatamente ele sugeriu que fossem, e seria realmente mais seguro?

por Charles 14.05.2019 / 18:03

1 resposta

Maegor's Holdfast

QYBURN: The Unsullied have breached the gates of the Red Keep. Maegor's Holdfast would be a better place to wait out the storm.

por o wiki:

Maegor's Holdfast is a massive square fortress inside the heart of the Red Keep in King's Landing. Named after King Maegor I Targaryen, it is a castle-within-a-castle and is the strongest place in the Red Keep.

The holdfast lies behind walls twelve feet thick. A dry moat lined with a bed of formidable iron spikes surrounds it, with a drawbridge spaning the moat. The only way in or out of Maegor's is across the drawbridge. A knight of the Kingsguard is always posted at its far end.

The royal apartments are located in Maegor's Holdfast. The king's bedchamber has twin hearths. The Queen's Ballroom within Maegor's Holdfast is much smaller than the Great Hall of the Red Keep or the Small Hall of the Tower of the Hand. However, the graceful ballroom can still seat one hundred.

Quanto a ter sido mais seguro, é difícil dizer. Certamente seria mais resistente à invasão normal por forças militares opostas, mas se poderia ter resistido à magia fogo de dragão está aberto a perguntas.

14.05.2019 / 18:06