Filme asiático de realidade alternativa com bobina de Tesla em Tóquio


Um amigo meu viu um filme há algum tempo na TV, mas não consegue se lembrar do nome. Aqui está a descrição que ele fornece:

Japanese or Chinese movie, in the end, there was a Tesla coil (or some device for wireless transfer of electricity) in a skyscraper in Tokyo, which somebody wanted to use to destroy other cities. I am not 100% sure about the rest, but I think it was set in an alternative reality where Japan has won WW2

Alguma idéia de qual filme ele poderia estar se referindo?

por boyka 24.04.2019 / 14:51

1 resposta

Isso é provavelmente K-20: Lenda da máscara

It's a classic action mystery which like The Prestige has Russian scientist Teslar providing the object of tussle, a device capable of harnessing and transmitting vast electrical power across locations without the use of cables. K-20 wants it to rule the world, and it's up to our heroes to crack the mystery as to where the device is, and to stop the villain from achieving his goal. The plot's fairly simple, which includes an origin story for Heikichi including the antics of a hero in training, but what made it palatable was the excellent delivery by the cast, together with gorgeous sets and edge-of-your-seat action. A key element here too is the identity of K-20, having nobody actually seen the villain in the flesh except for Heikichi himself.

* K-20 * poster do filme


Procurando filme japonês "bobina de tesla" trouxe isso lista de filmes envolvendo Nikola Tesla e a menção de uma história alternativa chamou minha atenção.

24.04.2019 / 15:21