"Night Bird" do episódio de Star Trek TNG "Second Chances" é uma música real do século XIX?


Eu sou um grande aficionado por jazz (e tocador de trombone) e fiquei curioso se a música "Night Bird" (mais informações abaixo) é uma música real ou uma música fictícia de jazz.

From Memory Alpha:

"Night Bird" was a jazz song that Commander William Riker had been practicing on his trombone for ten years.

Riker, who was normally a very skilled musician, always had trouble with a solo part in the piece. It was for this reason that Counselor Troi requested the song during a jazz concert in 2369, but Riker was "saved" by a call from the bridge. (TNG: "Second Chances")

por user2170639 24.08.2015 / 17:29

2 respostas

De acordo com o romance da UE The Black Shore, a peça 'Nightbird' foi escrita por um compositor chamado DuZoinn, um compositor conhecido no mundo natal de Troi, o Betazed.

Além do mero desafio da peça, essa conexão com o planeta de seu ex-amante explicaria por que Riker passou tanto tempo tentando aperfeiçoá-la.

The crimson sun was high in the sky, but the leafy Ryol tree provided Harry Kim with plenty of shade in which to practice his clarinet. His Starfleet-issue boots sat empty upon the lawn a few meters away from him, his bare feet cushioned by the purple moss that carpeted the fragrant ground. Wide violet fronds rustled in the cooling breeze as Kim relaxed, resting his back against the copper-colored bark of the tree, and ran once more through the jazzy melody of "Nightbird" by the famed Betazed composer DuZoinn. It was a tricky piece, with lots of high notes, but Kim thought he was starting to get the hang of it.

17.11.2018 / 02:27

Há uma peça de Chet Baker com esse nome, mas não é o mesmo, portanto, isso é provavelmente fictício e / ou ainda não foi composto.

24.08.2015 / 17:30