O filme de 1950-60 sobre alienígena que cai na Terra e perde a mão que passa a atacar pessoas


Alguém sabe sobre um filme antigo (acho que é preto e branco) no qual um alienígena que cai na Terra perde a mão. Ocorreu-me que isso pode não ser um filme, mas um episódio de programa de TV.

A mão então se arrasta para longe do local do acidente e se torna um refúgio no carro de uma mulher. A mão do alienígena é cortada logo acima do pulso e as veias ou tendões saem dela enquanto se arrasta. Tem dedos finos. A configuração é o dia em que entra no carro da mulher. Quando ela chega em casa, a mão entra na casa e se esconde no armário, onde se arrasta até a prateleira superior e depois pula na mulher quando ela abre a porta e a estrangula. Eu acho que isso machuca mais pessoas.

Não é o título do filme, A Mão.

por user194620 01.02.2019 / 12:56

2 respostas

Invasão das criaturas do inferno (também conhecido como Invasão dos homens pires) (1957)

Muitas críticas na IMDb mencionam que os alienígenas podem soltar as mãos que atacam pessoas, por exemplo:

In this one, a young couple accidentally run over an alien but its hand comes alive and terrorises people. The local farmer doesn't like the teenagers using his land for snogging in their cars. More aliens then appear and kill one of the teens with an overdose of alcohol as revenge for their mate being killed. A flying saucer then blows up with the military in attendance and the aliens are done away with at the end by light, their weakness. With a drunken bull.

Edward L. Cahn directed this cult classic about a pair of teenagers on a date who accidentally run over a newly arrived alien. Strangely, its hand falls off and comes to life on its own. Meanwhile, drunken friend Joe(played amusingly by Frank Gorshin) takes one home, but is injected by an alien with a fatal overdose of alcohol, and the authorities don't believe the teenagers' story of alien invaders.

I saw this movie in the early '60s, when I saw about 6 or 7. I have never been able to forget that severed hand, with the needles coming out of the fingertips, as it crawled up the car seat toward the unsuspecting teens.

Os alienígenas se parecem com os abaixo:

Estrangeiros da terra do acidente de filme

Está disponível na íntegra no YouTube aqui.

01.02.2019 / 13:03

É possível que você esteja pensando A Mão Crawling?

Astronauts keep going crazy and blowing up on their way back to the ground, and scientists can't figure out why. The latest astronaut to fall to this mysterious syndrome manages to contact his scientist superiors just before doing himself in; he alternates between pleas to "push the red" Self-Destruct Mechanism and violent urges to "Kill! Kill!" Finally the "red" is pushed, the astronaut is blown to shards and the scientists are still stumped.

Meanwhile, over in California, young med student Paul frolicks on the beach with his girlfriend when they happen upon the severed arm of the dead astronaut. Against his girl's wishes, Paul returns to the beach and takes the arm home with him (for what reason, we're not told). Soon, it becomes apparent to everyone (in the audience, at least) that whatever malediction had possessed the astronaut still possesses the arm, which promptly goes on a killing spree (said spree resulting in a grand total of ONE death). Paul himself is a prime suspect in the murder, but the two scientists arrive with their own theories. Then the mysterious murderous force begins to infect Paul as well, and he attacks a Malt Shop owner and his own girlfriend. After realizing what he's doing, Paul takes the hand out to a junkyard with the intent of destroying it, and between a fever of over 100 and some hungry cats, the evil is defeated... er, handily.

Não é um alienígena de verdade, mas acho que é o contrário.

01.02.2019 / 13:05