De onde vieram as pistas?

Em Indiana Jones e a Última Cruzada, quando Indy está indo para a caverna para chegar ao Graal, ele passa por vários obstáculos diferentes. Ou a minha memória está errada ou ele estava murmurando para si mesmo sobre diferentes "pistas" sobre como passar. Quais foram essas "pistas" e de onde elas vieram?

por DForck42 07.09.2012 / 22:06

2 respostas

Os três desafios foram :

  • The Breath of God - "Only the penitent man will pass"

  • The Word of God - "Only in the footsteps of God will he proceed"

  • The Path of God - "Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth"

Indy usou o Diário do Graal do pai dele para guiá-lo pelas armadilhas:

Henry Jones's Diary

The Grail Diary was a possession of Doctor Henry Jones, Sr. In it, he recorded all of his findings on the topic of the Holy Grail, the study of which he had made his life's work.

He did many travels between America and Europe, contacted many scholars and sought several historical documents during his studies, always carrying it with him.

Indy's knowledge of his father's research in the diary helped him slip past the traps in the Grail Temple and recover the Grail to save his wounded father.




(as imagens acima são de este site , que contém uma quantidade extensa de informações sobre o diário)

07.09.2012 / 22:46
As pistas vieram das Crônicas de Santo Anselmo. Professor Jones os encontrou lá e os escreveu em seu Diário

Professor Henry Jones: Well, he who finds the Grail must face the final challenge.

Indiana Jones: What final challenge?

Professor Henry Jones: Three devices of such lethal cunning.

Indiana Jones: Booby traps?

Professor Henry Jones: Oh, yes. But I found the clues that will safely take us through them in the Chronicles of St. Anselm.

Indiana Jones: [pleased] Well, what are they? Can't you remember?

Professor Henry Jones: I wrote them down in my diary so that I wouldn't have to remember.

10.09.2012 / 17:14