Casa > H > How Does Elysium Keep Its Atmosphere?

How does Elysium keep its atmosphere?

The orbital structure in "Elysium" is a rotating torus-style station, which uses centrifugal force to produce artificial gravity, keeping the residents (and the atmosphere) from flying off into space.

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Why is it called Babylon 5?

The Babylon 5 space station was named after the ancient city of Babylon in Mesopotamia. Claudia Christian (Susan Ivanova) and Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan) both previously starred in Berrenger's (1985). They played Melody Hughes and John Higgins respectively. What are Babylon 5 fans called? B5 fans on GEnie referred to themselves as "Grid Epsilon Irregulars". A fictional chemical substance called Quantium-40 was mentioned after Straczynski conducted a contest online to name the substance.

How old are the Minbari?

Minbari are a relatively long lived race, typically living over a century, with the record being somewhere around 120 years. How many colonies are in a side? In the Universal Century (UC) timeline, we have 7 colonies, from Side 1 to Side 7. (Please note that while there is the existence of Side 8 from the poorly rated movie G-Savior, we will not get into detail with it).

How many people live in a Gundam colony?

Most of the Gundam references cite populations of three to ten million per colony, but the question is confused by the fact that there are two types of colonies: the “open type” colonies using the O'Neill design and the more efficient “closed type” colonies with twice the habitable area. Why does frame dragging happen? Frame dragging is like what happens if a bowling ball spins in a thick fluid such as molasses. As the ball spins, it pulls the molasses around itself. Anything stuck in the molasses will also move around the ball. Similarly, as the Earth rotates, it pulls space-time in its vicinity around itself.

Is time Travelling possible?

In Summary: Yes, time travel is indeed a real thing. But it's not quite what you've probably seen in the movies. Under certain conditions, it is possible to experience time passing at a different rate than 1 second per second. Can you go back in time in a black hole? Absolutely. If we could travel close to the speed of light, or in the proximity of a black hole, time would slow down enabling us to travel arbitrarily far into the future.

How cold is space?

Hot things move quickly, cold things very slowly. If atoms come to a complete stop, they are at absolute zero. Space is just above that, at an average temperature of 2.7 Kelvin (about minus 455 degrees Fahrenheit).

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