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Does Kitty Pryde have a kid?

In one alternate history, Kitty Pryde and Colossus had kids. This happened in the 2015 Secret Wars storyline where Doctor Doom recreated the world with him as a ruler. Kitty and Colossus had two kids, Christina Pryde, the youngest mutant in the world, and Cameron.

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What level mutant is Rogue?

Rogue, who we mentioned was initially classified as a Beta-level mutant early on, gradually learned to use her abilities - and after the events of the story X-Men: Messiah Complex (opens in new tab), could control them to the extent that she was reclassified as an Alpha-level mutant. What mutant is Storm?

Omega-Level Mutant
Storm has been stated to be an Omega-Level Mutant. Her potential is as of yet unrealized, and on one occasion the Super Giant stated that Storm was an "Omega-Level Mutate", grouping and targeting her with Omega-Level mutants such as Iceman and Rachel Grey.

Is juggernaut Omega level?

And today's Beyond Omega level video is gonna focus on the juggernaut. But not just the regular version of juggernaut. But one specific version that appears in just a couple of issues. Who is a Class 6 mutant? Class VI ( Omega Mutation) - These are the final and most powerful types of mutants. They have vast control over elements, matter and energy. They are sometimes confused with Alpha mutations or even Beta because of the lack of flaws or very small ones.

Who is Madame Hela?

Ruler of Niffleheim, Madame Hel was a manifestation of death. She resented the immortal Aesir of Asgard, whom she believed shunned her due to their inability to taste death's kiss. Deciding to punish the Asgardians for their perceived hubris, Madame Hel formed an alliance with Malekith, ruler of Svartalfheim. Who is Devondra? Devondra was a Soul-Eater that resided in the Soul Gem's Soul World where she devoured any souls that ended up getting sent there. It was alleged that if Devondra devoured enough souls, she would be able to weave a new reality from the silk she generated.

Who is Arachknight a mix of?

And Marvel did just that in 2018. Marvel released Infinity Warps, in which they combined Spider-Man and Moon Knight into one superhero called Arachknight. Was Emma Frost in Wolverine Origins? In the Movie: As we see Emma Frost in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, she is a teenager, but given that the movie is set many years ago, this does not necessarily suggest a drastic de-aging of the character as was done with Iceman and Angel in the previous X-Men movies.

Who is the strongest mutant?

Franklin Richards is the most powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe.

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