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Who is aerys targaryen father?

Aegon V Targaryen
Aerys fought for his father, Aegon V Targaryen, in the War of the Ninepenny Kings. He took on the tradition of Targaryen inbreeding in order to keep bloodlines pure by marrying his sister Rhaella Targaryen.

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Which Targaryen was at the wall?

Aemon Targaryen
Maester Aemon, formerly known as Aemon Targaryen, was a Maester and Sworn Brother of the Night's Watch. He served as the Maester for Castle Black under Jeor Mormont and Jon Snow. He died of old age on a journey to Oldtown. Did Tyrion know Jon was a Targaryen? Games of Thrones: Teaser trailer for penultimate episode

One scene, in particular, revealed Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) knew about Jon Snow's (Kit Harington) true identity as Aegon Targaryen.

What did the Mad King do to the Starks?

King Aerys II Targaryen watches as Brandon Stark strangles himself. The execution was set to be featured in a flashback scene. Footage of the scene appeared in the "Fear and Blood" first season trailer but has not appeared in any aired episode of the series. Is Aerys Tyrion's father? While it's officially believed that Tywin Lannister and his cousin Joanna were Tyrion's biological parents, the "Tyrion Targaryen" theory suggests that Tyrion's real father was the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen II.

Who drank wildfire?

Prince Aerion
After returning to Westeros, one night, whilst drunk, Prince Aerion drank wildfire, after telling friends that this would transform him into a dragon. Instead, it resulted in his immediate death. The story of the "Prince Who Thought He Was a Dragon" is still told to children many decades later. Why does Rhaegar have two Aegon? Why would Rhaegar name two of his children the same name? It seems pretty certain that he knew a son of named Aegon was destined to sit on that Iron Throne. And since names carry value, perhaps he knew that by naming his new son Aegon it would help him some day become King.

Why did Lyanna name Jon Aegon?

In naming him Aegon, Rhaegar and Lyanna were probably hoping that their son would follow in the footsteps of the most illustrious Targaryen of all — Aegon the Conqueror. But the Targaryen family tree is full of other Aegons, including Jon's own half-brother (Prince Rhagear's son with his first wife Elia Martell). Why did Rhaegar fall in love with Lyanna? Lyanna was the “Knight of the Laughing Tree,” a secret Rhaegar learned and kept for her safety. And he fell in love with her for it, as she fell in love with him. It's why she stole away with Rhaegar a short time later, and why he had the Kingsguard protect her during Robert's Rebellion.

What did Lyanna whisper to Ned?

He watches as his father, Ned Stark, enters Lyanna's chamber to find her bleeding out, having just given birth to the baby we will come to know as Jon Snow. As Lyanna dies, she whispers this to Ned: "If Robert finds out, he'll kill him, you know he will. You have to protect him.

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