Casa > W > Where Is James T Kirk Buried?

Where is James T Kirk buried?

Tolian Soran, from destroying Veridian III. They stopped the madman's plot, but Kirk was killed in the fight and buried in a plain grave atop a tall butte on the rocky planet.

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Is Voyager more powerful than the Enterprise?

Voyager NCC-74656 is one of the fastest and most powerful starships in Starfleet. Although only 345 meters long, about half the size of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Voyager is more technologically advanced than previous Starfleet vessels. What happened to the Enterprise-E after nemesis? In the novels published by Pocket Books after Nemesis, the Enterprise-E remains under the command of Picard as of 2385 in the 2013 novel miniseries Star Trek: The Fall. Data was resurrected in the novels similarly to the comic miniseries Countdown, but he decided not to re-enter Starfleet.

What class is the enterprise J?

Federation Universe-class
The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J) was a Federation Universe-class multi-mission explorer starship active during the 26th century. It led Federation forces in the Battle of Procyon V, the final battle in the war against the invading Sphere Builders. What does NX Stand for Star Trek? "The Making of Star Trek" (which came out in 1986) explains that NCC stands for 'Naval Construction Contract' while NX stands for 'Naval Experiment. ' Also, USS stands for 'United Space Ship.

What is Captain Kirk's first name?

Canadian actor, author, producer and director William Shatner is globally popular as Captain James T. Kirk from Star Trek. What happened to Captain Archer after Enterprise? According to the computer profile, Archer was an Admiral and Chief of Staff at Starfleet Command at the time of his retirement. He later went on to serve as ambassador to Andoria from 2165 to 2175.

How long was Pike Captain of the Enterprise?

Pike served as the Enterprise's captain for 15 years, an unusually long run with one assignment for a Starfleet officer; it's not hard to imagine why Starfleet promoted him to Fleet Captain, where he played a key role in training new cadets. How long would it take to travel 70000 light years at Warp 9? Voyager was about 70,000 light-years away from home, and crew would often use "75 years" as the time it would take to get back home at top speed. This means the Voyager series used the old method of Warp calculation. 70,000/9.9753 is roughly 71 years.

Is NASA working on a warp drive?

NASA is obviously still working out the kinks of their warp drive, but perhaps it's only a matter of time before at least neighboring star systems, like Proxima Centauri, will be in reach for human crews. Until then, we can only look at the furthest stars using our telescopes.

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