Casa > W > What Happened To The Uss Enterprise Ncc-1701 A?

What happened to the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 A?

According to William Shatner's novel The Ashes of Eden, the Enterprise-A was sold by Starfleet to the defense forces of the planet Chal (β), who appointed the now-retired James Kirk as its commander. The vessel was later destroyed in the corona of Chal's sun during a battle with Klingon battle cruisers.

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What happened to Enterprise-D?

Enterprise-D was destroyed in 2371 after an attack by renegade Klingons breached her warp core. Although the saucer section separated before the breach, the force of the explosion caused the section to crash on the planet Veridian III. What does NCC-1701 stand for on the Enterprise? NCC is the Starfleet abbreviation for "Naval Construction Contract", comparable to what the U.S. Navy would call a hull number. Jefferies rejected 3, 6, 8, and 9 as "too easily confused" on screen; he eventually reasoned the Enterprise was the first vessel of Starfleet's 17th starship design, hence 1701.

What happened to USS Enterprise NCC-1701 C?

The ill-fated but historic ship was lost with all hands aboard sometime in 2344 after it answered a distress call from the Klingon's Narendra III outpost and engaged three attacking Romulan warbirds — a heroic sacrifice that further cemented the growing trust between the two governments. How old was the Enterprise when Kirk take command? Kirk became an instructor at Starfleet Academy before he joined the crew of the U.S.S. Farragut. Despite some controversies in his Starfleet career, Kirk had a rapid rise through the ranks and, in 2265, he was promoted to Captain and assumed command of the U.S.S. Enterprise at the remarkable age of 32.

What Enterprise did Kirk Captain?

The most notable were Captain James T. Kirk's USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) from the original 1960s television series, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard's USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) from Star Trek: The Next Generation. How many enterprises did Kirk destroy? Total number of destructions: 30.

When did Enterprise-D get destroyed?

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

This ship provided the main setting for the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series (1987-1994). The USS Enterprise-D was destroyed in 2371 after an attack by renegade Klingons breached her warp core as depicted in "Star Trek: Generations."
Who was captain of the Enterprise after Picard? The new canonical Star Trek: Picard prequel novel has revealed who replaced Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) as the Captain of the Enterprise: Worf (Michael Dorn).

How fast is warp speed?

Warp one, a veritable snail's pace in the world of Trek, is equal to the speed of light. Warp speeds exceeding warp one equal a multiple of C (the speed of light), but the exact speeds are variable, depending on the source material. It seems the Federation altered its scale as time went on.

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