Casa > C > Can You Send Triss To Kaer Morhen Without Romancing Her?

Can you send Triss to Kaer Morhen without romancing her?

Is there any other way to get Triss to head to Kaer Morhen without romancing her? No. Triss will only go to Kaer Morhen if you ask her to stay AND tell her you love her. If you don't, she will leave for good.

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Why did Emhyr turn evil?

In books Emhyr's father was murdered and Emhyr himself was cursed into a monster by an usurper to take over Nilfgaardian throne. Emhyr married Pavetta, princess of Cintra what resulted in birth of Ciri. The curse was lifted thanks to Geralt of Rivia. Does Nilfgaard win the war? Nilfgaard wins the war, and Emyhr returns home to restore balance there. If you make some other choices, he then hands the throne to Ciri, who proceeds to pretty much be the most amazing ruler ever, and things are pretty happy ever after. Except, of course, Ciri is miserable for the rest of her life.

Should I take Ciri to Emhyr?

Take Ciri to see Emhyr (or not): If taken to see the Emperor, this will put her on the path to become Empress if other conditions are met. If not taken, then she'll become a witcher if she comes back. If taken to see Emhyr during Blood on the Battlefield: Positive point: Refuse the payment. Is Radovid worth killing? If you choose not to help kill Radovid, or you side with Sigismun Djikstra, then the empire will lose the war and be overthrown. If instead you do help kill of Radovid and you side with Vernon Roche in Reason of State then Nilfgaard will conquer the north.

Is Radovid a good king?

Radovid is excellent general and a brilliant strategist, while Dijkstra is shrewd, cunning, and good at underhand tactics. Dijkstra is the better ruler, however. Also, Dijkstra wouldn't necessarily have a succession problem. Does killing Radovid change anything? That kind of chance, same question for Roche if I let him a live. Absolutely nothing about the gameworld changes after this quest, no matter what you did. Even after Radovid is assassinated, Redanian soldiers will occupy the same positions as before and keep shouting "Long live Radovid!" from time to time.

Why is Letho so buff?

The Trial of Grasses mutating Myostatin would cause Letho to be incredibly muscular, as "individuals who have mutations in both copies of the myostatin gene have significantly more muscle mass and are stronger than normal." Why is Letho so jacked? It's implied that he over-reacted to the mutagens in a similar way as Geralt. Whereas Geralt's reflexes were improved in contrast to other witchers (and his hair turned white in the process), Letho reacted in a way that he got tons of muscles while keeping the swiftness every witcher has.

Is Letho a good guy?

It's not that Letho isn't a bad guy, it's that he wasn't your enemy. He never intended for Geralt to be there when he killed Foltest. He wasn't trying to set you up. Also, he took care of Yennefer, he spared your life in Chaper 1, he saved Triss in Chapter 3…

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