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What age is The Walking Dead appropriate for?

Great TV show but really violent. there are no f words, but there is still some swearing. I would recommend this for 14+.

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How scary is The Walking Dead?

And no two episodes are alike. If you're looking for something scary scary, then The Walking Dead probably isn't it. But if you do want to watch the show but are afraid of horror elements, you can safely watch this series — as long as you can handle the graphic killing scenes every now and then. Why did the White Walkers ignore Sam? Since Sam saw firsthand the enormity of the White Walkers and their army, he could spread the truth which would result in more fear. Essentially, the White Walkers could have wanted Sam to travel back to the Wall and inform the Night's Watch of what was coming.

How do White Walkers get created?

The White Walkers were originally First Men themselves, before being captured by the Children of the Forest to be changed into weapons. The Children of the Forest pressed dragonglass daggers into the chests of these First Men to create the first White Walkers. Why did the White Walkers wake up? 'This happens after Benjen goes to the Wall and Ned's brother and father die… He goes to war with Robert…and leaves Winterfell without a blood Stark. Ned Stark is the reason the white walkers woke up. 'I believe that the reason there must always be a Stark at Winterfell is to keep the White Walkers Dormant.

Was craster a Targaryen?

Unfortunately, it neglects to mention that Crasters father is Maester Aemon, and that Craster is a secret targaryen. Who is the main White Walker?

The Night King
The Night King is the leader of the White Walkers in the television series Game of Thrones, where he is played by Richard Brake and later by Vladimir Furdik.

Why does the Night King want to destroy mankind?

Just like he killed the previous Three-Eyed Raven, the Night King wanted to kill Bran Stark himself before continuing his invasion. The show gives the explanation that the Night King wants to erase the world and all memory of it. Sam theorizes that Bran carries all the memories with him so he is the obvious target. Can White Walkers talk? Yes White Walkers can talk. In the show the language they use is called Skroth. It makes a sound like crackling ice similar to the books and we also see a White Walker communicate to the wights and other White Walkers when it screams near Sam.

What stopped the White Walkers the first time?

They were defeated by an alliance between the First Men and the Children of the Forest. 3. White Walkers are incredibly strong and durable. They can only be killed by weapons made of dragonglass (obsidian) or dragonsteel (Valyrian steel).

De Meyer Galford

Do baby White Walkers grow up? :: Which is better Walking Dead or Game of Thrones?
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