Casa > H > How Might The Reference To The Berries Be A Foreshadow To Events Yet To Happen?

How might the reference to the berries be a foreshadow to events yet to happen?

The berries foreshadow the sacrifice that Katniss will make by volunteering as tribute in place of her sister. Berries are seen again when Katniss uses them to mask the taste of the sleeping potion she gives to the wounded Peeta.

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Which best states the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?

Which best states the effect of the imagery in the excerpt? The comparison of the word "We" to limestone helps to develop the theme that a collective society destroys humankind's potential. What figurative language is used in Sleepy Hollow? Personifications. Irving intensifies his figuratives as he intensifies his story, adding personification to the mix.

How is imagery used in the Legend of the Sleepy Hollow?

The imagery is that of an Edenic, romantic-era landscape painting, with a simple valley divided by a brook and populated only by quail and woodpecker. This is another example of Irving's skillful use of imagery to emphasize the isolation of Sleepy Hollow even though it is surrounded by a bustling world. How is food a metaphor in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow? But food isn't the only thing that he consumes. He has an "appetite for the marvelous" or the supernatural and "[n]o tale was too gross or monstrous for his capacious swallow" (1.16). His metaphorical mouth also feeds on the "sweet thoughts and 'sugared suppositions'" of riches and power (1.39).

What point of view is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow written in?

third person objective point of view
Because the story is told in third person objective point of view (i.e., he/she did this/that and I/we have no opinion about the matter), we're even more distanced from the story. What is Katrina tassel personality? Personality and appearance

She is one of the main characters in the movie, and plays a big part in the investigation for the murderer. Clever, adventurous and brave, Katrina isn't afraid of the Headless Horseman or of her wicked step-mother (when the Headless Horseman tries to kill her, she doesn't seem to show fear).

What is the symbolism of Ichabod's eyes being green?

Deeply Antagonistic

Ichabod wants to marry Katrina out of his lust for money and power, not love. Irving describes him as having "green glassy eyes," a phrase that symbolizes his envy and greed.
Was there a real Ichabod Crane? New Springville, New York City, New York, U.S. Ichabod Bennet Crane (July 18, 1787 – October 5, 1857) was an American career military officer for 48 years and the probable namesake of the protagonist in Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

Is Katrina Van Tassel a real person?

The character of Katrina Van Tassel in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is believed to be inspired by a real person named Eleanor Van Tassel Brush. The name “Katrina” was perhaps inspired by Brush's aunt, Catriena Ecker Van Texel.

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