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When was Cthulhu born?

August 20, 1890

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Who is Cthulhu's father?

Nug is the parent of Cthulhu and Yeb is the parent of Tsathoggua (HPL: Selected Letters 4.617) via the influence of Yog-Sothoth. Nug might be known by the name Ptmâk in Hyperborea, as Ptmâk corresponds to the "immediate" parent of Cthulhu. What happens if azathoth wakes? Azathoth is seen as the all-powerful creator of all of existence. According to Lovecraft, all of reality is merely a part of Azathoth's dream, unknowingly created by itself. When, not if, Azathoth awakens, all things will end, once and for all, and all will once again be Azathoth.

Is the Kraken Cthulhu?

is that cthulhu is a gigantic fictional humanoid alien god being described with a head resembling an octopus and dragon wings and claws, around whom an insane cult developed while kraken is (norse mythology) a colossal sea monster that attacks ships and sailors, often portrayed as a giant octopus or squid. Can Cthulhu destroy the world? Though Cthulhu has the potential to destroy the world if awakened, it hasn't yet and remains underwater. It is Cthulhu's human cultists who do the most damage in the world by committing murders and atrocities in its name rather than Cthulhu itself.

Does Cthulhu mind control?

Well for starters, Cthulhu can influence dreams. he cant exactly control them but his influence is heavy and they always feel obligated to make forms of art to resemble him like drawings and sculptures. Sometimes in poetry. What is needed to summon Cthulhu? The only other way to summon the Eye of Cthulhu is to manually summon one by using a Suspicious Looking Eye at night. The Suspicious Looking Eye can be obtained the following ways: Crafting one at a Demon or Crimson Alter with six Lens.

Does Cthulhu have a daughter?

Cthylla, also known as The Kraken or The Secret One, is an offspring of Cthulhu and Idh-yaa. She is the daughter of Cthulhu, and is critical to his plans, as should Cthulhu somehow die, Cthylla will give birth to him once again. Will Azathoth wake up? Monarch_Laciel. From the perspective of human causality, Azathoth will never wake up.

Is Leviathan Cthulhu?

Leviathan is the name given by some Inuit Cultists to a child of Cthulhu: "...the Other Tornasuks left or went to sleep with Him [Cthulhu], except Dagon his servant-creation and Leviathan his son." It is not clear if it is one of the named sons. It seem likely that Leviathan is identical to Behemoth and hence B'Moth.

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