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Was Roxann pregnant during Voyager?

Dawson was pregnant during the 4th season of Voyager. She wore a lab coat to hide her pregnancy for most of the season, but in VOY: "The Killing Game" and "The Killing Game, Part II", she was shown on the holodeck to be pregnant, though Seven of Nine confirmed that it was a holographic baby.

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What do Tom and B elanna name their baby?

Paris, Miral. Daughter of Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres in an alternate future. In this timeline, Voyager eventually returned to Earth, but at great cost to the crew. Is B elanna Torres pregnant? 1 ROXANN DAWSON'S PREGNANCY HAD TO BE HIDDEN

Actress Roxann Dawson, who played Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, became pregnant during the fourth season, just as the character was beginning to explore her feelings for Tom Paris. This necessitated several strategies to hide her growing belly.

What is Worf's sash?

A Klingon baldric worn by Worf The Klingon baldric was a sash that traditionally went over the left or right shoulder of noble Klingons. It contained the symbol of a Klingon House. ( TOS: "Errand of Mercy"; DS9: "Soldiers of the Empire") Some baldrics were used to hold knives or daggers. ( Who is Worf's son's mother? Born in 2366, Alexander is the son of Worf and the late Federation Ambassador K'Ehleyr. Although Alexander spent his infancy with his mother, following her death he returned to Earth to live with Worf's adoptive parents, Sergey and Helena Rozhenko.

Why was DS9 Cancelled?

For some reason Paramount decided seven seasons was the limit for sucessful Star Trek series, so TNG, DS9, and VOY only lasted seven. Enterprise struggled in the ratings, so it was canceled earlier, like TOS which didn't really find it's audience until it went into syndication. Did Seven of Nine marry Chakotay? By the time of the series finale, "Endgame", The Doctor had managed to remove the implant, allowing Seven to pursue a relationship with Chakotay. The alternative future seen at the start of the episode showed that Seven and Chakotay were eventually married, but she died while Voyager was still travelling home.

What episode does Kes leave Voyager?

Jennifer Lien's exit came in season 4's "The Gift," after Kes' psychic abilities began spiraling out of control following an encounter with Species 8472. Threatening the very crewmates she had come to love, the Ocampa decides to leave Voyager, evaporating into pure energy and leaving Kes' fate somewhat ambiguous. Do Seven and Chakotay get together? It was television in the 1990s, and many television executives apparently balked at the idea of including an LGBT character on something they viewed as a “family show.” Instead, Seven was eventually romantically paired off with Chakotay, and the two were generally happy together.

How far was Voyager from the Alpha Quadrant?

So as far as I know, Voyager was roughly 50,000 light years away from Alpha Quadrant, but then with the transwarp drive, they were going to make it to Earth in 2 years. After realizing their issues, they head back for demon planet and are 5minutes from getting there when they spot the Real Voyager.

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