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What is the Elvish alphabet?

The Tengwar, or Fëanorian Characters, was a script invented by the Elf Fëanor in the First Age. It was originally used to write a number of the languages of Middle-earth, including Quenya and Sindarin.

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What passwords does Gandalf try?

In The Fellowship of the Ring, when the party was at the gates of Moria, Gandalf tries to open the doors by speaking bespoke paswords. The password is actually "Mellon " but he tries various other phrases first. Why is Moria open by Elvish word? The gate that they pass through was originally created for the Elves living in Moria to pass outside to the Elven lands close by. Although the Dwarves manufactured the gate, since it was primarily used by the Elves, the spell was cast upon it by the Elves. Hence the words to open the gates were in Elvish.

Who speaks Sindarin?

the Elves
Sindarin is one of the many languages spoken by the Elves, called the Eledhrim [ɛˈlɛðrɪm] or Edhellim [ɛˈðɛlːɪm] in Sindarin. The word Sindarin is itself a Quenya form, as the Sindar, or "Grey Elves" themselves did not have a name for it, likely simply calling it Edhellen (Elvish). What does Mae Govannen mean? For those of you who wonder: Mae govannen means "Well met", or something to that effect.

Is there an Elvish language?

Elvish languages are constructed languages used by Elves in a fantasy setting. The philologist and fantasy author J. R. R. Tolkien created the first of these languages, including Quenya and Sindarin. How do you say hello in Elvish Lord of the Rings?

HelloS SuiladLit. 'greeting', can be used in most situations.
HelloS Mae govannenLit. 'well met', used when meeting someone, but not in written messages.
Friend/FriendsS Mellon/MellynA fitting start to a written message to one / more than one person.

What does Gandalf say to Frodo when he wakes up in Rivendell?

It ought to be the twenty-first. We must have reached the Ford by the twentieth. ' 'You have talked and reckoned more than is good for you,' said Gandalf. What does Gandalf say to Frodo at the end? “Farewell, my brave Hobbits. My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea, comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.”

What does Gandalf say before he falls into the pit?

"You cannot pass!" ""To Lorien, keep the ring and the ringbearer safe!" "Escape now, or all shall be lost!" "Fly, you fools!"

De Amena

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