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How old is Treebeard in Lord of the Rings?

17,051 years old
It's believed that many of Treebeard's mannerisms were based on Tolkien's friend C.S. Lewis, a loud, bombastic man known for his powerful stride and overwhelming presence. The Top Trumps card game lists Treebeard as being 17,051 years old.

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What two words did Gollum say that will send the enemy to Frodo?

But amidst the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned two words…" Gollum (shrieking): "Shire! Baggins!" Frodo: "Shire. What does Gollum say to Frodo? "Don't take names to yourself, Smeagol," Frodo said. "It's unwise, whether they are true or false."

Which quotation best shows that Gollum knows he has been defeated?

Which quotation best shows that gollum knows that gollum knows he has been defeated ? "Thief, thief, thief! Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!" How was the Golem filmed? Gollum was conjured using an animation technique known as performance capture or motion capture. Special cameras recorded actor Andy Serkis' movements and expressions, from froggy hops to conflicted scowls.

Was Gollum a CGI?

The creation of Gollum is pure visual effects wizardry and the motion capture proved incredibly unique and influential back in 2002. Unfortunately, Gollum is composed entirely of CGI (minus Andy Serkis's physical movements) and the said CGI is now twenty years old. Why does Sam call Frodo? ANSWER: People trying to answer the question “Why does Sam call him Mr. Frodo” usually note that in English (British) usage Mister is a rustic or — as the Etymology Dictionary Online says — “unaccented variant of master“. “Mister Frodo” is Sam's way of showing respect to his employer.

How long was the journey to Mordor?

On T.A. 3019, March 15, Sam and Frodo officially enter Mordor having escaped the Tower of Cirith Ungol, after the ring bearer was stabbed by Shelob. It then takes them 10 days to trek across the plains of Mordor, posing as Orcs, and finally reaching Mount Doom, according to LOTR Project. Does Gollum bites Frodo's finger off? Peter Jackson's epic trilogy closer sees Frodo, Sam and Gollum finally make it to Mount Doom. Frodo puts the ring on, Gollum bites his finger off and then the two have one final tussle, leading to both falling over the edge.

Why doesnt the Ring affect Bilbo?

Hobbits are simple creatures and do not wish for much, so there is nothing for the Ring to use against a hobbit. Frodo is the hobbit that is corrupted the most next to Gollum and Bilbo, which is why he is unable to throw the Ring into the fire. But even Frodo remained good at his core.

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