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Why is Anakins lightsaber special?

The lightsaber was created by Anakin Skywalker for his personal use during the Clone Wars. It was intended as a replacement for the first lightsaber he made, which was unceremoniously destroyed in battle on Geonosis. Because Anakin was allied with the Jedi Order at the time, the lightsaber had a blue blade.

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Why is Anakins lightsaber blue?

That is because he had lost his weapon, and was using the weapon of a fallen Jedi. However, this did not suit him, so afterwards, he created a new lightsaber, one that reflected his personality with the blue color. What is the rarest color of lightsaber? Bronze is the rarest lightsaber color not only because it was forged only once under special circumstances but because in all of Star Wars extended canon, there has only been one known user of this unique blade.

Who has green lightsaber?

Luke Skywalker
Green lightsabers have been wielded by a number of famous Jedi including Master Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Luke Skywalker. In Return of the Jedi, Luke's lightsaber color switched from blue to green, possibly representing his development as a skilled Jedi warrior. What color was Anakin's first lightsaber?
blue plasma blade
Anakin Skywalker's first lightsaber was the first lightsaber owned and built by Anakin Skywalker. It had a blue plasma blade, chunky controls, and thick ridges on the handle.

How did Anakin get his scar Clone Wars?

Ambushing the Jedi, Ventress managed to slash Skywalker across the face, leaving him with a scar on his jaw. As they leapt apart, Ventress quickly pressed the attack. As they fought, Ventress managed to again slash Skywalker across the face, leaving him with his distinctive vertical scar next to his eye. Is Finn Mace Windu's son? Finn is not only Lando Calrissian's son but Mace Windu's grandson. Mace Windu could have had a child several years before the Clone Wars, then hiding him (Lando) on Cloud City to keep Lando safe as Mace knew that the Sith were nearby and building strength.

How did Darth Vader get disfigured?

During his confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, Anakin Skywalker was first maimed by lightsabre cuts. He lost both legs around the knees, and much of his left arm. He fell onto a slope of volcanic sand, and slid helplessly to the edge of a lava river. His body ignited due to heat radiated off that flow. Why isn't Obi-Wan's lightsaber green? This can be seen in the novel It's because of his mastery of sorsue (sorry for my bad spelling.) Well if you want the ACTUAL reason it because in the original 3 films the Green Light Sabre didn't exist until after Obi Wans death.

Why didn't Obi-Wan use a green lightsaber?

And harmony across the galactic republic jedi consulars seldom drew their lightsabers. Only as a measure of last resort believing that the force. Itself would guide their way out of a situation.

De Adley Frazierii

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