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What is Hermione's Patronus?

Otter (Hermione Granger)

Her Patronus, the otter, is a clever and dexterous animal; some have even been known to juggle small rocks.

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Was Voldemort in Sirius Black?

Sirius was probably known to Voldemort for his family and for his closeness with the Potters. He was also a skilled member of the Order of the Phoenix and a particular enemy of Voldemort's then-loyal follower, Snape. What did Harry and Hermione learn from Rita? Harry and Hermione learned that Dumbledore was a human.

Is Rita Skeeter a real person?

Most of the time, Rita Skeeter was an irresponsible journalist and a horrible human being in the "Harry Potter" books, a fictional representation of the phone-hacking tabloid columnists of the real world. Warner Bros. That being said, Rita wasn't always spouting rubbish. Who is Crookshanks original owner? Crookshanks in Magical Menagerie right before being purchased by Hermione Crookshanks was purchased on 31 August 1993 by Hermione Granger from the Magical Menagerie, who had originally gone there seeking an owl. The proprietor informed Hermione that he had been there for quite some time, and that "nobody wanted him".

Is Crookshanks just a cat?

Overview. Crookshanks is a cat owned by Hermione Granger. He is quite large, for a cat, orange ("ginger") colored with brown stripes, and has an "ugly", almost flat face and a bottle-brush tail. How did the Marauders become Animagi? Definition: An Animagus is a witch or wizard who can transform at will into an animal. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Remus Lupin shared that it took his fellow Marauders – James, Sirius and Peter – until their fifth year at Hogwarts to finally become Animagi and keep him company in his werewolf form.

Why is Sirius Black a dog?

To support him, Sirius, James, and Peter secretly — and illegally — became Animagi. This allowed them to safely accompany Remus during his transformations and keep him under control. Sirius's form took the shape of a huge black dog (not unlike the Grim), from which his nickname "Padfoot" was derived. Who bit Fenrir Greyback? While Cecil was surrounded by the two other werewolves, Greyback transformed. Chiara, in werewolf form, arrived and attacked Fenrir in an attempt to protect Jacob's sibling, but the larger and much stronger werewolf easily knocked her unconscious.

Is Bill Weasley a werewolf?

Bill did not become a werewolf but did develop a liking for very rare steaks. It was his injuries that finally convinced his mother that Fleur was the right choice for him.

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