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Why did Littlefinger take Ramsay?

On the surface, Littlefinger gets to appear (at least to the Boltons) as if he's helping the Boltons secure the North, since the Northern lords preferred to have a Stark in Winterfell. But he told Sansa the marriage could help her avenge her family, by destroying the Boltons from within.

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Who did Ramsay Bolton Flay?

Then, in the most controversial moment in "Game of Thrones" history, Ramsay raped Sansa and forced Theon to watch. He flayed Sansa's elderly maid and forced her to look at the corpse, gloating about how Winterfell was now in control of the house that killed her mother and brother. Does Theon like Robb? Not only does he take it but, even after being betrayed by his own men, Theon never even considers returning to Robb's service. Of course, Theon would have complicated feelings towards Eddard Stark and his time at Winterfell, having been taken from his family, but he grew up with Robb.

Does Theon hate the Starks?

He tells Theon that the only reason he's not killing him is because of what he did for Sansa. Theon regrets ever betraying the Starks more than Jon can know. Since he makes his choice, he goes through hell. Ramsay turns him into Reek with a combination of physical and mental abuse no person should ever have to suffer. Did Theon cause the Red Wedding? Theon Greyjoy unwittingly serves as a catalyst of the Red Wedding: while lying injured at the Crag, Robb is devastated to hear from Ser Rodrik Cassel about the alleged murder of his brothers; Jeyne Westerling (Talisa's analogous character in the novels) "comforts" him at bed; the next morning, Robb feels honor-bound to

Did littlefinger know Ramsay would hurt Sansa?

Littlefinger tried to apologize to Sansa, telling her he didn't know and that he had "underestimated a stranger." "Ramsay's not known everywhere as a psycho," the show's coproducer and writer Bryan Cogman said in Hibberd's new book about the show. "Littlefinger doesn't have that intelligence on him. What did Ramsay do to Sansa on their wedding night? This tension reached a cultural nadir in the middle of the show's fifth season, with the episode “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.” In that hour's conclusion, Sansa Stark is married to the psychopathic Ramsay Bolton, who proceeds to conjugate their new union by raping and assaulting her, and forcing Sansa's surrogate brother

Who cut off Jaime's hand?

Emboldened by his success, Jaime attempts to barter for his release by reminding Locke of the wealth and power of his own father, Lord Tywin Lannister. This has an adverse effect, however, and Locke, enraged by Jaime's arrogance and complacency, mutilates him by severing his sword hand. Why is the rains of Castamere called the Red Wedding? The title is a song belonging to the Lannister family, whose lyrics foreshadow the Red Wedding and which is played by the band at the wedding right before the slaughter begins.

Who kills Walder Frey?

prodigy Arya Stark
The assassinations at the Twins is one of the closing events of the War of the Five Kings, where former Faceless Man prodigy Arya Stark brutally murders Lord Walder Frey, the Lord of the Crossing, Lord of Riverrun, and Lord Paramount of the Trident, and most, if not all, of the male line of House Frey for their role in

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