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How old is Tommen 4?

Book Tommen remains an innocent boy who loves his kittens and doesn't like eating beets. Show Tommen's age is kept ambiguous, but actor Dean-Charles Chapman is 17. Chapman joined the show in season four, replacing the original actor playing Tommen, Callum Wharry, who looked much younger.

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How many bastards did Robert Baratheon?

Although Robert Baratheon is known to have fathered - according to Maggy the Frog's prophecy - a total of sixteen bastards, only one has been acknowledged. Why does Cersei like incest so much? Both Jamie and Cersei are likely resent their controlling father. Continuing the incest is a way of secretly defying his will, since they know he would hate what they were doing as, if it was discovered, it would shame the family. -Cersei benefits from having Jamie 100% on her side at all times.

Does Cersei sleep with her son?

Queen Cersei and her twin brother Ser Jaime Lannister have continued an illicit romance since childhood. Cersei's children: Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen, are all born of their affair. Similar to the Targaryens, this incestuous bloodline has apparently produced severe mental health defects in Joffrey. Did Cersei sleep with Tyrion? From Euron's point of view, Tyrion should have no knowledge that Cersei is pregnant — Tyrion was up in the North when he slept with Cersei for the first time.” If Euron has his wits about him at all, it's likely that he'll figure out that Tyrion's comments can only mean that he isn't actually the baby's father.

How old is Joffrey when he dies?

Biographical Information
DiedIn 300 AC (aged 13), at Red Keep, King's Landing
Royal HouseHouse Baratheon of King's Landing
PredecessorRobert I Baratheon
Why did Margaery give Olenna a rose? On Game of Thrones, the rose is the sigil of House Tyrell, and when Margaery gave her grandmother, Lady Olenna, a note with a simple drawing of a rose, she was confirming her loyalty to her house and her family above all else, so they wouldn't be fooled by her sudden piety.

Did Margaery know about the poison?

In the TV show, Margaery doesn't know that the wine is poisoned, which doesn't make sense since she could have drunk from the cup at any time. Now being man and wife, Joffrey could have offered her the first sip, which she would most probably accept. Did Tywin know about Jaime and Cersei? Tywin Lannister, Cersei and Jaime's father and their only parent that survived long enough to watch them grow into adulthood; he was not aware of their relationship until Cersei and Jaime were grown and he was nearing his deathbed.

Does Tywin know who Arya is?

Some fans have wondered if Tywin was ever suspicious of her true identity and realized she was a Stark, but this is unlikely. He never would have passed up the chance to use her as a hostage or bargaining chip against Robb had he realized who she really was.

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Did Tyrion know about Jaime and Cersei? :: Who is Joffreys biological father?
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