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Did Plagueis create Anakin?

While Plagueis wasn't directly involved with creating Anakin, He taught his apprentice all he knew about manipulating midi-chlorians to create life and as a result, was indirectly involved with his creation. Darth Plagueis was a force-sensitive Muun male Dark Lord of the Sith and the Master of Darth Sidious.

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Was Luke Skywalker a virgin?

Mark Hamill Says 'Star Wars' Jedi Legend Was No Virgin. Mark Hamill says that—at least in his headcanon—Luke Skywalker had sex. Responding to a question regarding Skywalker virginity on Twitter, Hamill said Luke didn't die a virgin, at least in the backstory he made up for the character. Why did Han and Leia break up? Although the events of The Force Awakens led viewers to believe that Princess Leia (now General Organa) and Han Solo broke up because of their son Ben's decision to turn to the dark side and become Kylo Ren, Carrie Fisher — who plays Leia in the space fantasy saga — has a different opinion on the matter.

How was Shmi tortured?

She cared for her son greatly, and was willing to do anything to help him. After Anakin left to become a Jedi in 32 BBY, she was sold to Cliegg Lars, who freed her and married her. Just before the Clone Wars, Shmi died in her son's arms after being brutally tortured by a band of Tusken Raiders. Is Anakin the most powerful Jedi ever? With a midi-chlorian count beyond Master Yoda's, Anakin Skywalker surpassed his peers -and even his master- in terms of natural ability, making him the most powerful Jedi to ever live. He could easily take on legions of battle droids, survive the gladiatorial arena on Geonosis, and take on Count Dooku in battle.

Is Rey the most powerful Jedi?

Though Rey was never a part of the Jedi Order, she quickly was on a path to becoming one of the most powerful Jedi ever. With little to no training, Rey learned more about the Force in a shorter amount of time than Luke Skywalker ever did. Is Luke or Anakin stronger? Therefore, at the time of Return of the Jedi, we would rank Luke higher than Anakin in terms of power. As a child, he never had these limitations imposed on him, and he never expected things to be easy for him; instead, he worked hard for them. So, even though Anakin had more power than Luke, it didn't matter.

What was Ahsoka's Midichlorian count?

If I had to guess I would think she has around a 13k-14k midichlorian count. I say this because anakin describes her abilities as “advanced” at a young age and that she is young to be a padawan. By rebels she is rivaling Vader and I think would easily rival many Jedi masters of the prequel era by that time. Is Darth nihilus the most powerful Sith? Darth Nihilus was an extremely powerful Sith Lord, and most likely in the top 10. His draining feats are directly comparable, or arguably greater than Vitiate's, which automatically makes him an absolute monster.

What was Vader's Midichlorian count?

Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, possessed the highest known count in galactic history—over twenty-thousand midi-chlorians—surpassing the potential of Grand Master Yoda and all Jedi.

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