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Who is father of Anakin Skywalker?

The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. Who was his father?" Shmi Skywalker and her baby, Anakin Skywalker Believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, Anakin Skywalker was born to the slave Shmi Skywalker.

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Is Anakin Palpatine's son?

Confirmed: The Emperor Was Anakin's 'Father'

Yes, Star Wars fans, Darth Vader #25 confirms that Anakin Skywalker was the result of Dark Side/Midi-chlorian manipulation inside of Shmi Skywalker's womb - performed personally by Emperor Palpatine.
Who is Darth Vader son? Darth Vader/Children

Who trained Anakin Skywalker?

Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn liberated Anakin from slavery on Tatooine, and brought him before the Jedi Council for training. Is Anakin a virgin birth? The Fatherless Child and Chosen One

According to the Star Wars canon, Anakin Skywalker had no father. This apparent virgin birth is a common element in many hero myths and helped convince many Jedi that Anakin was the Chosen One, fulfilling an ancient prophecy.

How did Shmi get pregnant?

In The Phantom Menace, when Qui-Gon Jinn meets tiny Anakin Skywalker and his mother, he goes on about how the Force is like, crazy strong with Anakin or whatever, and then asks his mother about Anakin's dad. Shmi Skywalker is pretty clear in her answer: There isn't a father. She was impregnated by the Force. Who is Luke Skywalkers mom? Padmé Amidala (portrayed by Natalie Portman) is the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the daughter-in-law of Shmi Skywalker, the mother-in-law of Han Solo, and the maternal grandmother of Ben Solo. She served as Queen of Naboo, and later as a Senator for her planet.

Was Anakin the chosen one?

Anakin ultimately fulfilled his role as the Chosen One and brought balance to the Force, fulfilling Qui-Gon Jinn's belief in the prophecy that foretold Anakin's destiny. Accepting his fate, Anakin joined his Jedi mentors in death by becoming one with the Force. How many Midichlorians does Anakin? The other outliers in the Sith consist of Anakin Skywalker (27000 midi-chlorians), The Chosen one with the highest midi-chlorian count ever seen who was believed to be concieved through midi-chlorians, and Darth Vitaite (25000 midi-chlorians), a Sith Emperor that killed his step-father with a thought and defeated his

Are all the Skywalkers dead?

Leia Organa and Ben Solo both died in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, meaning each member of the Skywalker family ended up dying for the same reason. The ninth installment in the Skywalker saga was also the last, and so charged with rounding out over 40 years of stories.

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