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What other family surnames was McGonagall related to?

Related families

  • Ross family.
  • Urquart family.

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Is Professor McGonagall related to Harry Potter?

Minerva McGonagall
ParentageMuggle father (Robert McGonagall), witch mother (Isobel Ross)
Is Aunt Petunia a Squib? When asked if Aunt Petunia was a Squib (a non-magical person who is born with at least one magical parent), Rowling replied: 'Good question. No, she is not, she is not a Squib. She is a Muggle. But you will have to read the other books.

Is Jacob a Squib?

In addition, Jacob's mysterious family history makes it possible for him to be a Squib. One way that Fantastic Beasts has suggested that Jacob might be a Squib is through his ability to see magical objects and events. Unlike Muggles, Squibs can see magic, and Jacob frequently does so. Is Hermione a Squib? Hermione probably was the first magical person in generations. So that wouldn't make her muggle-born, it would make her squib-born.

Could a Muggle use a wand?

Although he couldn't necessarily cast spells, his use of the wand produced a powerful enough blast that it "kicked like a mule" when waved. This further suggests that, within the world of Harry Potter, Muggles can use wands and access magic. Is JK Rowling a Squib? Some maintain that Rowling is a Squib — a non-magical person unlucky enough to be born to a Magical family. Recall that his status as a Squib is why Hogwarts caretaker Argus Filch was always so bitter.

Is Squib a bad word?

Due to their lack of magical talent, Squibs are often viewed in the same way as Muggles and Muggle-borns by those who are prejudiced towards the non-magical. Indeed, the word 'Squib' itself is used as a slur, which we see used against poor Merope Gaunt. Who gave Harry the Nimbus?

Minerva McGonagall
Harry started using the average school broomstick. Later in his first year, Minerva McGonagall sent him a Nimbus 2000 after he became part of Gryffindor Quidditch Team.

Is Minerva McGonagall a pure blood?

Professor Minerva McGonagall, O.M. (First Class), was a Scottish half-blood witch, the only daughter of Muggle Robert McGonagall and witch Isobel Ross.

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