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What gender is Ash's Talonflame?

Ash's PokémonPikachuPalpitoad
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Why did Ash leave Primeape?

Primeape listened to Ash's instructions and eventually won the tournament. Anthony offered to train Primeape for Ash, with the promise of training it to become a P1 champion, so Ash left Primeape with Anthony. What is Ash's second Pokémon? Pidgeotto was Ash's second Pokémon and became a loyal and powerful partner to Ash as well. Eventually, Pidgeotto evolved into Pidgeot to protect its fellow Pidgeotto and Pidgey's against attacking Fearow and Spearow in Viridian Forest.

Did Pikachu forget Electro Ball?

According to some users in this thread, Ash's Pikachu forgot Volt Tackle to learn Electro Ball, which makes sense, as the series seems to follow the games with Pokemon only knowing 4 moves at a time. Because they just had to have him learn a Gen V move. He forgot it so he could learn Electro Ball. Does Pikachu have a pokeball? Before Ash, Pikachu belonged to Professor Oak, and -- just like the other starter Pokémon -- was contained in a Pokéball. Although Ash was hoping to start his journey with Squirtle or Bulbasaur, the tardy trainer was happy to adopt Pikachu, as the others were already taken.

What is the saddest Pokémon?

Mimikyu is technically a ghost-pokémon, which is perfect for Halloween, but beyond that it's a sad creature who just wants to be loved. If it takes too much damage in battle and its neck is disfigured, it spends all night trying to fix it, crying. Who is Gary's father Pokémon? Blue Oak is Gary's father and one of Red's rival. He is the son of Professor Oak.

What is Ash's Unova team?

Ash and his Unova companions, Iris and Cilan. Did Ash catch a snorlax? Ash's Snorlax (Japanese: サトシのカビゴン Satoshi's Kabigon) was the second Pokémon caught by Ash in the Orange Islands, and his fourteenth overall.

Does Ash win the Silver Conference?

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