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Is Dumbledore the Half Blood Prince?

As Harry hides, Draco appears and disarms the headmaster, revealing Voldemort chose him to kill Dumbledore. Draco hesitates; Snape, however, arrives and kills Dumbledore. As the Death Eaters escape, Snape reveals to Harry that he is the Half-Blood Prince.

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What is the oldest wizarding school?

Wizarding SchoolLocationDate Founded
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryHighlands, ScotlandLate 10th century
Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and WizardryMount Greylock, United States of AmericaEarly 17th century
MahoutokoroMinami Iwo Jima, JapanUnknown
Are there other wizard schools besides Hogwarts? Now, there are eleven other wizarding schools from around the world. We only know the names of eight: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Castelobruxo, Durmstrang Institute, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Mahoutokoro School of Magic, Koldovstoretz, and Uagadou School of Magic.

Is durmstrang in Bulgaria?

School information

The Durmstrang Institute is a Wizarding school. It is located in the northernmost regions of Norway or Sweden. Durmstrang has, however, taught students from as far afield as Bulgaria.
Was beauxbatons an all girl school? Making beauxbatons an all girls school in the movie diminishes the accomplishment of a girl being chosen as champion. I really hate that they made beauxbatons academy an all girls school. It was coed in the books and a girl being chosen over boys for an athletic type competition is a really big deal!

Does Durmstrang accept Muggle borns?

School information

Durmstrang did not admit Muggle-borns, but certain students might not necessarily have shared this prejudice — in 1994, Viktor Krum attended the Yule Ball with Hermione Granger, who was Muggle-born and would not have been admitted at Durmstrang.
How often is the Triwizard Tournament?

every five years
Held every five years, the competition would be hosted by each school in turn, the judges for the Tournament comprising the headmasters or headmistresses of the schools.

Where did the Beauxbatons students stay at Hogwarts?

"The Beauxbatons Carriage is parked two hundred yards from Hagrid's front door, near to the Forbidden Forest. Madame Maxime and the Beauxbatons students use the carriage as sleeping quarters during their stay at Hogwarts." What is the Ilvermorny equivalent of Hufflepuff? Pukwudgie Is Hufflepuff

According to Rowling, Pukwudgie representative of the heart, and physically a "short, grey-faced, large-eared creature".

Is there a real school like Hogwarts?

Potterheads – have we got news for you. A real-life Hogwarts-themed school is coming to Scotland this summer, and we're not even trying to play it cool. Located on the fringes of Edinburgh, Loretto School in Musselburgh will transfigure into a Harry Potter-themed school of witchcraft and wizardry.

De Manson

Is there a Ilvermorny movie? :: Is there a wizarding school in Brazil?
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