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Who is Luke Skywalkers mom?

Padmé Amidala (portrayed by Natalie Portman) is the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the daughter-in-law of Shmi Skywalker, the mother-in-law of Han Solo, and the maternal grandmother of Ben Solo. She served as Queen of Naboo, and later as a Senator for her planet.

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Are the Jedi virgins?

Many assume the relationship between Anakin and Padmé was forbidden because Anakin took some sort of celibacy vow. However, Lucas made it clear the possessive relationships are the problem, not sex. This is interesting, as judging from the Star Wars movies, Jedi live a sexless existence. Did Obi-Wan have a lover? Satine Kryze was the love interest of Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Duchess Satine Kryze was the pacifistic leader of the New Mandalorians and the planet Mandalore during the Clone Wars. She also had a sister Bo-Katan and a nephew Korkie Kryze.

Are Jedi allowed to marry?

In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry. Does Jaina Solo have a child? Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).

How is Luke related to Uncle Owen?

Luke was adopted by his uncle Owen Lars and Owen's signifiant other Beru Lars. Luke is not biologically related to either of them, but Owen could be considered extended family. Anakin's mother was Shmi Skywalker. (That makes her Luke and Leia's grandmother). Who is Han Solo's father?

Ovan was a human male who was the father of famed smuggler-turned-rebel Han Solo. He lived on Corellia during Solo's early years, where he worked in the Corellian Engineering Corporation shipyards, building vessels such as YT-1300 light freighters.

Who is buried next to Shmi Skywalker?

She was recovered from the Tusken Raider camp by her son, Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who returned her body to the Lars farm after slaughtering the Tuskens within the camp. Shmi was buried at the farm with a gravestone marking her grave. After her husband Cliegg Lars passed, he was buried next to her. How many Midichlorians does Luke have? The Jedi however also have three outliers in that of Luke, Leia, and Cade Skywalker (23000/23000/21000 midi-chlorians respectively) all of which were children/descendants of Anakin Skywalker (the chosen one) and so genetically predisposed to having abnormally-high midi-chlorian counts for Jedi.

Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

George Lucas has reportedly stated that Jar Jar Binks was originally intended to be an undercover Sith Lord, but the Force user theory has been tossed back and forth between Lucasfilm and fans. While there are only ever two Siths, Jar Jar could have been the third hiding in Palpatine's shadow.

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