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What's the Ravager code?

Ravager Code

According to Stakar Ogord, Ravagers do not deal in children. Any Ravager that redeems himself or herself in the eyes of the Ravagers via a good and brave deed, such as saving others or die trying, that Ravager is welcomed back into the team.

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When Peter and Yondu are floating down to safety from their destroyed spacecraft, his adopted son calls him "Mary Poppins", a reference to the character from the film of the same name. What alien race is Drax?

the Kylosian people
Drax comes from the Kylosian people, a race of primitives who are considered naive and hopelessly underdeveloped by the more advanced galactic groups.

Why did Ego put a tumor?

Brain Cancer

Fearing that he was becoming too attached to her and becoming unfocused in his mission, Ego decided to kill her, although he was not without remorse for it. He used his power to cause an inoperable malignancy to develop in her brain, dooming her to die of brain cancer.
Is Thanos a Celestial? In the comics, Thanos is an Eternal, and one from a very important bloodline: His father, Al'ars, was the son of Kronos, who ruled the Eternals of Earth following a civil war that divided the original colony. Following his father's death, Al'ars traveled the universe as the Mentor.

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It's yes. Well J'son never appeared in the MCU and Peter is a celestial hybrid, his source of celestial power was his dad, Ego so when Ego died the source also died so Peter is pretty much a normal human being. @Shodow, hey there! If you have time, check out the comics! Why is Nikki's hair on fire? Appearance-wise, comic Nikki also has hair made entirely of fire and flame, and would otherwise be bald if it were put out. Her natural body temperature is enough to burn someone by physical contact, requiring her to find ways to cool down before making physical contact with friends or love interests.

Is Nikki Gold Star-Lord's daughter?

Upon meeting, Star-Lord and Nikki began to suspect that they were father and daughter; both believed Ko-Rel was Nikki's biological mother, and Nikki's age lined up with a night of passion between Ko-Rel and Star-Lord during the war. How old is Star-Lord? Star-Lord: 38 years old

Peter Quill was born in 1980, making him 34-ish in both Guardians of the Galaxy movies since they both take place in 2014.

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The High Evolutionary gave Him the new name Warlock and bestowed upon him the Soul Gem—one of the Infinity Gems—which he affixed to Warlock's forehead.

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