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Are there cities in Mordor?

To the west of Mordor was the narrow land of Ithilien with the city of Osgiliath and the great river Anduin, while directly east of it was Rhûn, and to the southeast, Khand. The east of Mordor is by far the least mentioned of any of Mordor's geographic notes and descriptions.

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What is the capital of Gondor?

Its first capital was Osgiliath, moved to Minas Anor in TA 1640. This city, later renamed Minas Tirith, remained the capital of Gondor for the rest of the Third Age and into the Fourth Age; other major fortresses included Pelargir, Dol Amroth in Belfalas and Minas Ithil. What are the colors of Rohan? The striking clay red, forest green and golden colours of Rohan The Mark were influenced by the descriptions of the banner of Rohan which was said to be a "white horse upon a field of green" combined with descriptions of the Hall of Meduseld, home of the King, which was said to glow with a golden hue.

Who was Galadriel's father?

What did Gandalf write on Bilbo's door? In the sketch Tolkien uses three runes: “B” for burglar, “D” for danger, and a symbol of a diamond for treasure. This reflects the explanation that Gloin gave pretty closely. However, in the Peter Jackson adaptation we see a very different mark - Gandalf only carves the rune for “G”, supposedly to represent Gandalf.

Who designed the JRR Tolkien logo?

Tolkien monogram in 1926. Tolien had time for writing just after WW1, during his health recovery. He start to write the hobbit and mend up his monogram. A flame could be seen here over the "J", one of the rare apparition of the flame on all his monogram versions. What does the Elvish circle say? ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul. When translated into English, these words form the lines: One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

What did Aragorn do as king?

Aragorn's foremost achievement as king was the establishing of the Reunited Kingdom; a joining of Gondor and Arnor (in which lies the Shire, Bree, etc.) and the reunification of an ancient kingdom of men that had been split up many centuries prior. Who is Aragorn's wife?


Is Aragorn part elf?

Though he chose men, having essentially been raised as an elf, it's assumed that he retained many elvish characteristics (as Arwen does later on.)) And Aragorn was one of these descendants of Elros, so he does technically have some elvish blood.

De Mirabella Pagani

O que significa a árvore de Gondor? :: What does Minas Morgul look like?
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