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Is Anakin Palpatine's son?

Confirmed: The Emperor Was Anakin's 'Father'

Yes, Star Wars fans, Darth Vader #25 confirms that Anakin Skywalker was the result of Dark Side/Midi-chlorian manipulation inside of Shmi Skywalker's womb - performed personally by Emperor Palpatine.

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Was Luke Skywalker a virgin?

Mark Hamill Says 'Star Wars' Jedi Legend Was No Virgin. Mark Hamill says that—at least in his headcanon—Luke Skywalker had sex. Responding to a question regarding Skywalker virginity on Twitter, Hamill said Luke didn't die a virgin, at least in the backstory he made up for the character. Was Rey adopted by the Skywalkers? The Emperor was destroyed again, but Solo also died in order to save Rey with whom he shared a unique Force-bond, making them a dyad in the Force. The Skywalker bloodline consequently died out in 35 ABY, but Rey adopted their family name as a way to honor their memory.

Is Luke Anakin's son?

Luke Skywalker

Arguably, Luke is the most important figure in the Star Wars universe. Born the son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, he grew up on Tatooine where he was raised by his uncle, Owen Lars and aunt, Beru.
Did Chewbacca know Obi-Wan? By the end of Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan and Chewie didn't meet, at least that we have seen. In an episode of The Clone Wars with Chewie, he only meets Ahosoka.

Does R2 know Vader is Anakin?

Star Wars Theory: R2-D2 Didn't Know Anakin Skywalker Became Darth Vader. R2-D2 served Queen Amidala and later Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by C-3PO. Unlike the golden protocol droid, R2-D2 never had a full memory wipe, so he was well aware of all events that happened around him. Why does Obi-Wan call Vader Darth? Simply called the Sith Lord Darth referring to his former apprentice by a sick honorific a unique title within the lore. While we could focus on some of the out of universe.

Who took Luke Skywalker as a baby?

Owen Lars would never see his stepbrother again – though his life would be shaped by Anakin and his legacy. At the end of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi brought Anakin's infant son Luke to Owen and Beru. The young couple agreed to raise the boy as their own. Did r2d2 recognize Obi-Wan? Why didn't obi-wan recognize r2d2 in a new hope yeah yeah the real answer is because the movies weren't made in chronological. Order but in universe. He did recognize the droid.

Why does Owen not recognize C-3PO?

So Owen had no idea his "new" protocol droid's name was C-3PO. A counter to that might be asking why Owen didn't recognize C-3PO's distinct voice, but again, it's worth remembering Owen hadn't seen C-3PO in more than 20 years. It's possible Owen simply forgot what C-3PO's voice sounded like.

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