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Why did Oberyn come to King's Landing?

Prince Oberyn comes to King's Landing to claim his brother Doran's small council seat, and to finally receive justice for the death of his sister Elia, as had been promised to the Martells by acting Hand of the King Tyrion Lannister.

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What is Dorne in Game of Thrones?

Dorne is the large peninsula which makes up the southernmost part of Westeros, and is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. The lords of the ruling House Nymeros Martell style themselves "Prince" and "Princess" in the Rhoynish fashion. How many Sand Snakes are there? 10 There Were Eight Sand Snakes

In the show, we are introduced to three Sand Snakes, Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene. They each come from a different mother but they share Oberyn as a father. Many criticized the show for failing to give these three characters any personality that distinguishes them from each other.

Are Sand Snakes real?

Psammophis species are chiefly sand-snakes, but they are also found on low bushes. Are Sand Snakes poisonous? Psammophis leithii, commonly called the Pakistan sand racer or Leith's sand snake, is a species of mildly venomous, (Not Harmful for Humans) rear-fanged snake in the family Lamprophiidae.

Was Doran Martell weak?

Season 4. Prince Doran is expected to arrive at King's Landing for the Royal Wedding. Due to his poor health, however, his younger brother Oberyn travels to the capital instead. During Joffrey and Margaery's wedding, Tywin inquires after Prince Doran's health, revealing that he suffers from gout and is unable to walk. How many men does House Martell have? More recently, House Martell sent ten thousand soldiers to fight under the Targaryen banner at the Battle of the Trident, in 283 AC, led by Prince Lewyn Martell. Currently, the Martells are believed to be able to raise fifty thousand soldiers.

How did Dorne resist the Dragons?

They were using ambush techniques and were not hiding in castles like other kings did. Whereas other kings and lords had taken to the field against Aegon, or clustered in castles, the Dornish refused to give open battle and allow Aegon to deploy his dragons. How did Rhaegar and Lyanna fall in love? Lyanna was the “Knight of the Laughing Tree,” a secret Rhaegar learned and kept for her safety. And he fell in love with her for it, as she fell in love with him. It's why she stole away with Rhaegar a short time later, and why he had the Kingsguard protect her during Robert's Rebellion.

How old was Rhaegar when he married Lyanna?

Rhaegar crowned Lyanna Queen of Love and Beauty when she was 14.

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