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What is Sheldon Coopers real name?

Actor Jim Parsons
Actor Jim Parsons rose to fame as Sheldon on the popular sitcom 'The Big Bang Theory' and has received praise for his stage work.

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What is Leonard's IQ?

Leonard has an IQ of 173, and was 24 years old when he received his PhD from Princeton University. Leonard also received a dissertation of the year award for his doctoral paper on experimental particle physics. What is Pennys IQ? Penny, meanwhile, has an IQ of 97, as CBR reports. It's also worth noting that the show goes out of the way to display Penny as not very bright: “she was dense enough to think the Cold War was fought in winter” and “she didn't even know how to spell Asthma.”

How high is Albert Einstein's IQ?

Albert Einstein's IQ is generally referred to as being 160, which is only a gauge; it's impossible that he at any point took an IQ test during his lifetime. Who was sheldons acquaintance? 8 SHELDON CALLS HOWARD AN AQUAINTENCE

In the video, he explained that he's leaving behind four friends and a "treasured acquaintance." They all assumed Penny was the acquaintance due to their educational differences but as it turns out, Howard was the treasured acquaintance.

Why did Sheldon's dad cheat?

Since Young Sheldon finds George either being disrespected or completely ignored at home, it follows that his eventual cheating was his way to find fulfillment and validation elsewhere. Who are Sheldon's 10 friends? These friends are presumed to be: Leonard, Penny, Raj, Howard, Bernadette, Amy, Wil Wheaton, Stephen Hawking, Stuart Bloom, and Arthur Jefferies (professor Proton).

Why is 73 Sheldon's favorite number?

"73 is the 21st prime number," Sheldon explains. "Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3 and in binary 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001." Why does Sheldon wear two shirts? Sheldon's Shirts

While it makes sense that Sheldon would have a fairly simple fashion sense, there's actually a deeper meaning to his outfits. In the Green Lantern comics, each color corresponds with a mood or emotion. Green is courage, yellow is fear, blue is hope and red is anger.

Does Sheldon ever learn to drive?

The twist, though, is that Sheldon actually did learn to drive. It was revealed last season that Sheldon got his driver's license two years ago while he was on a license-acquiring spree and never told anyone. He barely passed, but he did it. But he still would rather be chauffeured than drive, of course.

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