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What does Arwen's necklace mean?

The Evenstar necklace symbolized love. Arwen gave it to Aragorn as a reminder of how much she loves him. It shows that nothing, not even her own immortality, is more important than her love for him. The necklace can also be seen as a symbol of hope. It was able to get Aragorn, and possibly Frodo, through tough times.

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Who has the 7 Dwarf rings?

Sauron recovered the Seven Rings from information provided by Celebrimbor, and gave them to the leaders of the seven kindreds of the Dwarves: Durin's Folk, Firebeards, Broadbeams, Ironfists, Stiffbeards, Blacklocks, and Stonefoots, though a tradition of Durin's Folk claimed that Durin received his ring from the Elven- What is the ring Aragorn wears?

The Ring of Barahir
The Ring of Barahir as worn by Aragorn Eventually, it was given by Elrond to Aragorn, son of Arathorn, when he was told of his true name and lineage, together with the shards of Narsil.

Why did Celebrimbor leave Talion?

After the Tower's fall, Talion confronts Celebrimbor, who states his belief that Talion would have wanted revenge on his family's killers, and so gave him the means to do so by possessing him. He confirms that he can leave Talion to die, but can only depart permanently with the death of the Black Hand. Does Talion become evil? Talion became evil because of the effect the ring he was wearing had on him. He was wearing one of the nine rings that originally corrupted men. … Isildur's ring which Talion was wearing to prolongate his life in order to achieve his goals enabled Sauron to slowly over time corrupt him and make him evil.

Why does Faramir call Gandalf?

So Mithrandir is Sindarin for "Grey Pilgrim", which is why the Elves know him by it, and both Men and Hobbits call him Gandalf, meaning "Elf of the staff", and the Dwarves have another name for him. Is Legolas older than Gandalf? Gandalf has a younger form in Middle-Earth who is appeared to be about 60 but in reality he is 2019 making him older than Middle-Earth. Legolas was not born in TA 87, that date was made up for a reference book to the films.

What is Sauron race?

Sauron was a fallen Maia. His race was Ainur. There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar; and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought... Why does Gandalf wear ring of fire? Gandalf was given Narya by Círdan the Shipwright because he believed that Gandalf had the highest inner greatness of all the Istari (Wizards). The scene is described in The Silmarillion: Take now this Ring, for thy labours and thy cares will be heavy, but in all it will support thee and defend thee from weariness.

What ring did Gandalf think Bilbo had?

At the final White Council in 2953, Gandalf asked Saruman about the One Ring. Details about why he asked are sketchy, but it could possibly be that he finally began to seriously consider the idea that Bilbo's magic ring was the One Ring.

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