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What is the name of the Hufflepuff house ghost?

The Fat Friar
The Fat Friar: Hufflepuff house ghost.

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What happened to Hagrid's brother?

After Voldemort's return and Umbridge's sacking from Hogwarts, Grawp was later reunited with Hagrid and was later sent by Dumbledore and Hagrid to live in the mountains near Hogsmeade, presumably in the cave where Hagrid hid after his sacking by Umbridge, with Hagrid commenting he was far happier there than in the Was Peeves a human? Peeves is a poltergeist so that means he was never human and he did not die.

Why are Peeves not in movies?

I played the part of Peeves in Harry Potter,” he said, adding he got sent off the set because the extras kept getting the giggles. His part was later cut from the franchise after he spent three weeks filming, but Mayall didn't seem to mind as he said he still got paid. “I went home, and I got the money – significant. Is Regulus Black younger than Sirius? Regulus Arcturus Black (1961 – 1979) was an English pure-blood wizard, born to Orion and Walburga Black, and the younger brother of Sirius Black. He was a member of the noble House of Black, an old wizarding family, which probably started around the Middle Ages.

Which hufflepuff gets petrified by Basilisk?

Nicholas de Mimsy-PorpingtonSaw the Basilisk directly, but as a ghost he could not die again, so thus was only Petrified.
Justin Finch-FletchleySaw the Basilisk through the ghost of Sir Nicholas, who was transparent, did not see the Basilisk directly.
What made Hermione petrified? Hermione Granger — saw the Basilisk through Penelope Clearwater's mirror. Penelope Clearwater — saw the Basilisk through her mirror; it is possible that Penelope is half-blooded and was only subject to an attack because she was there when the Basilisk petrified Hermione, a Muggle-born.

Who did the Basilisk stun first?

The Basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets attacks its first victim: Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris. Harry is discovered at the scene of the crime, and students start suspecting him to be the heir of Salazar Slytherin. Harry and his friends, meanwhile, begin to suspect Draco Malfoy.Oct 31, 1992 Who was Slughorn's favorite Muggle born?

Lily Evans
Lily Evans

Slughorn considered her one of his favourite students, though he was surprised by her Muggle lineage.

How did Ron know parseltongue?

The ability to speak Parseltongue is usually inborn; a wizard is born being able to speak Parseltongue, and those who are not born with the ability cannot normally learn the language (although, according to the author, Dumbledore may have learned to understand it, and in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron learnt

De Marlowe

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