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How many owls did Ron get?

Ron Weasley, who is always under the pressure to succeed just as his older brothers Percy, Bill, and Charlie had, received a total of seven O.W.L.s during his fifth year at Hogwarts.

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What house is fudge in?

Sorted in Slytherin House at Hogwarts, Fudge later married Amaryllis Fudge and pursued a career at the British Ministry of Magic. After working as a Junior Minister in the D.M.A.C., Fudge was (to his own surprise) elected Minister for Magic in 1990. Which house is Newt Scamander in?

Hufflepuff house
Here is what else we know about Scamander: He was born in 1897, sorted into the Hufflepuff house at Hogwarts. He became a magizoologist at the encouragement of his mother, who was a breeder of the hippogriff, a magical creature that is half eagle, half horse.

Who is the most famous Hufflepuff?

Harry Potter: Notable Hufflepuffs, Ranked By Power

  1. 1 Helga Hufflepuff. It should come as no surprise, but the most powerful and legendary Hufflepuff of all time is the titular lass herself, Helga Hufflepuff.
  2. 2 Fat Friar.
  3. 3 Newt Scamander.
  4. 4 Nymphadora Tonks.
  5. 5 Theseus Scamander.
  6. 6 Pomona Sprout.
  7. 7 Hannah Abbott.
  8. 8 Teddy Lupin.
How old is Dobby? Dobby was alive from 1970 - 1981 and he was probably 6 then. and with the time that has passed, he would have been 37 when he died.

How old is Bellatrix Lestrange?

Bellatrix is approximately mid 40s in her first appearance and dies at about 46/47. Helena first played the role at age 41, and last played her at age 45, meaning there is only a two or three year difference. Is Molly Weasley a Muggle? Molly Weasley (née Prewett) (b. 30 October, 1949 or 1950) was an English pure-blood witch and matriarch of the Weasley family after marrying Arthur Weasley. She was born into the Prewett family and was sister to Fabian and Gideon Prewett, members of the original Order of the Phoenix.

Can students skip grades in Hogwarts?

It does happen but is very rare in the UK. Hermione did not skip. In fact, so dedicated was she to her studies, that after the events of Book 7 she went back to Hogwarts and finished her N.E.W. What were Ron's owl grades? What we do know is that he had no O's (Outstanding) and he had failed Divination and History of Magic, meaning he would have D (Dreadful) and/or P (Poor) in those subjects. He continued with Potions and all the other subjects as Harry so he would have had E's in them.

Does Hermione Granger have an owl?

Crookshanks in Magical Menagerie right before being purchased by Hermione Crookshanks was purchased on 31 August 1993 by Hermione Granger from the Magical Menagerie, who had originally gone there seeking an owl.

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