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What is di tri and tetra?

The Greek numerical prefixes are used for naming things like polygons, polyhedra and polynomials:: mono = 1. di = 2. tri = 3. tetra = 4.

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Why are Tetras called tetras?

It is short for Tetragonopterus, a genus name formerly applied to many of these fish, which is Greek for "square-finned" (literally, four-sided-wing). Because of the popularity of tetras in the fishkeeping hobby, many unrelated fish are commonly known as tetras, including species from different families. What is the largest tetra? Diamond Tetra – The diamond tetra is native to Venezuela and it gets its name from the golden reflection bouncing off its scales. These fish grow to 2 ½ inches long or more and they prefer to be kept with 6 or more of their own species.

Why is tetra 4?

Tetra- ultimately comes from the Greek téttares, meaning “four.” The name of the classic video game Tetris is based in part on this Greek root. Find out the rest of the story of how Tetris got its name here. The Latin word for “four” is quattor, source of the combining forms quadr-, quadra-, quadri-, and quadru-. What is the chemistry prefix for 10?


What is hexa in chemistry?

In chemistry, hexa- is specifically used to indicate six atoms or six groups of atoms in compounds, e.g., hexachloride. What are the 10 prefixes?


What prefix means 3?

Tri- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “three.” Tri- is often used in a great variety of both everyday and technical terms. Tri- ultimately comes from both Greek treîs, tría and Latin trēs, tria, all of which mean “three.” What is the prefix of 8?
PrefixPrefix meaningSample words
octo-8octopus: sea creature with eight arms
novem-9novena: prayers said over nine days
deka- or deca-10decade: a period of 10 years
cent-hundredcentury: a period of 100 years

What is the prefix of 2?

PrefixPrefix meaningSample words
bi-2bicycle: two-wheeled vehicle
tri-3triceratops: three-horned dinosaur
quadr-4quadruped: four-footed animal
quint-5quintuplets: five babies born at a single birth

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