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Who is Starks mother?

Jon Snow/Mother

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In which episode Jon Snow dies?

Jon Snow met a shocking end at the knives of his Night's Watch brothers during season 5's "Mother's Mercy." All hope seemed lost for a short period, though thankfully, Jon Snow was resurrected by Melisandre in time for a showdown with Ramsay Bolton. Did Lyanna Stark ever love Robert Baratheon? The story as we first hear it is this: Lyanna was happily in love with and betrothed to Robert when Rhaegar, son of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen, kidnapped and hid her away. Robert started a war to retrieve his love, killing Rhaegar and taking his father's throne.

Why did Daenerys go crazy?

Her descent into madness literally translates into lack of trust for all women in power, because it conveys the message that women are prone to unjustified fits of fury that raze cities to the ground, similar to what Cersei did when she exploded the Sept of Baelor in season 6. Is Jon Snow immune to fire? Jon Snow is not resistant to fire.

He burns himself during the Wight attack in Season 1. In Season 1, Jon Snow gets burned pretty badly after grabbing a lantern and throwing it at a Wight.

Is Jon Snow Daenerys brother?

The Targaryen connection

One of the great revelations in season seven was that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. This means that Daenerys is Jon's aunt - since Rhaegar is the older brother of Viserys and Daenerys.
Why does Rhaegar have two Aegon? Why would Rhaegar name two of his children the same name? It seems pretty certain that he knew a son of named Aegon was destined to sit on that Iron Throne. And since names carry value, perhaps he knew that by naming his new son Aegon it would help him some day become King.

Who is Jon Snow parents?

Jon Snow/Parents How many Aegon targaryens are there? Including Jon Snow, there have been eight Aegon Targaryens, though only five of them have sat on the Iron Throne in total. But that number might change soon, as we now know that Jon is the rightful heir to the throne, and Bran has plans to let him know that.

Who is Jon Snow's twin sister?

Valerie Targaryen
With Valerie Targaryen who is still adjusting to finding out she is the twin sister to Jon Snow as well as the secret daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. At the Dragonpit where the meeting of the most powerful people in Westeros gathers to meet.

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