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Why was Jaime in the Kingsguard?

During Robert's Rebellion, Jaime killed Aerys Targaryen, earning the derogatory nickname "Kingslayer." He was pardoned by Robert and allowed to serve in his Kingsguard. Following King Robert's death, he was appointed as the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard to his son, Joffrey.

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Is Tyrion the mad king's son?

The popular Game of Thrones fan theory surrounding Tyrion became known as "A+J=T." It was meant to indicate Tyrion was the child of "Mad King" Aerys II Targaryen and Joanna Lannister. Tyrion was believed to be the youngest son of Tywin and Joanna, two cousins within House Lannister. How old was Sansa when she married Tyrion?

In the books, Sansa is 13 years old and Tyrion is 26 years old at the time of their marriage, while the TV series aged-up Sansa by two years (she states that she is 14 on her wedding night, but is most likely about to turn 15 given that one year passes in each season of the TV series).

Is Tyrion a Targaryen Asoiaf?

Practically, Tyrion Targaryen Does Not Make Sense

Tyrion's eyes are green and black, while people try and insist the black is really very dark purple to maintain he has a Targaryen 'look'. Nope, GRRM says it's black, it's black. In short - there's ample proof he's a Lannister, and absolutely none he's a Targaryen.
Who killed Jon Snow father? Living for a year in the Tower of Joy, they conceived a child—Jon. Rhaegar was killed in battle by Robert, and Lyanna died in childbirth.

How is Maester aemon related to Jon?

Aemon was the maester at Castle Black in service of the Night's Watch. He was among Lord Commander Jeor Mormont's closest advisors. He was born Aemon Targaryen and was the last known Targaryen in Westeros. He was the great-uncle of Daenerys Targaryen, and unbeknownst to him, the great-great uncle of Jon Snow. Is Tyrion in love with Daenerys? After the Season 7 finale, dedicated Game of Thrones scholars pointed to the original letter that George R.R. Martin sent to his publisher in 1993 as evidence that Tyrion does, in fact, love Dany.

Why does Cersei like incest so much?

Both Jamie and Cersei are likely resent their controlling father. Continuing the incest is a way of secretly defying his will, since they know he would hate what they were doing as, if it was discovered, it would shame the family. -Cersei benefits from having Jamie 100% on her side at all times. Who were Cersei's lovers?

Cersei Lannister, by Magali Villeneuve ©
Spouse(s)King Robert I Baratheon
Lover(s)Ser Jaime Lannister Ser Lancel Lannister Ser Osmund Kettleblack Ser Osfryd Kettleblack Ser Osney Kettleblack Lady Taena Merryweather
IssuePrince Joffrey Baratheon Princess Myrcella Baratheon Prince Tommen Baratheon

Who was Cersei's favorite child?

young Joffrey
2. When she mourned Joffrey's death. Obviously, it was a treat for viewers to see young Joffrey get his just desserts, but the way Cersei was absolutely wrecked by his death kind of dampened the mood. For whatever reason, Joffrey was her favorite, her baby boy, and he burst like a rotten blister.

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