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What Mental Illness Did Lizzie have?

I know that she was too young to be diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, but she did fit some of the criterias. Her delusional thinking about the zombies, and her thinking that she could hear them. Her affect was often flat which showed some signs of emotional problems. Yet she was young, but she was showing signs.

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Is Lizzie from walking dead a psychopath?

If you look closer at what we know about Lizzie and the science of psychopathy, it becomes clear that Lizzie was struggling with the zombie apocalypse but she wasn't a psychopath. What happens to Lizzie in The Walking Dead? Lizzie tells Tyreese and Carol that she has spared Mika's brain so that she will come back as a walker, and asks them – at gunpoint – to leave Mika's body alone. Carol later kills Lizzie after taking her outside to "look at the flowers" to distract and calm her.

Why is Lizzie so annoying TWD?

She is innocence taken to the extreme, to the point where she embodies actual evil for refusing to adapt sanely to a changed world. In the story, her innocense transformed her into something idiotically wicked, and she was ignorant of how off the wall her thinking was. Her ignorance became evil. Who is feeding rats to the Walkers? During Sunday's episode, Lizzie (Brighton Sharbino) turned out to be a bigger threat than anyone realized and was revealed to have been the one feeding mice to the walkers at the prison.

Who burned Tyrese girlfriend?

Apparently, she was stabbed in the head and then dragged out into the courtyard. There, her corpse was set on fire. The circumstances of Karen's death remained a mystery until Carol confessed to Rick that she was the killer. Who is the psychopath? A person who is manipulative, dishonest, narcissistic, unremorseful, non-empathetic, and exploitive may be a psychopath. Criminality, promiscuity, and lack of responsibility are also common traits associated with psychopathy.

What is a sociopaths vs psychopaths?

Some experts see sociopaths as “hot-headed.” They act without thinking how others will be affected. Psychopaths are more “cold-hearted” and calculating. They carefully plot their moves, and use aggression in a planned-out way to get what they want. Who killed Lizzie TWD?

Lizzie realizes Carol is upset and thinks it is because she'd pointed a gun at her. Lizzie starts crying and saying she was sorry but Carol, now crying also, insists she look at the flowers. She draws a revolver and shoots Lizzie in the back of the head, and buries the sisters' bodies.

Who killed Mika in The Walking Dead?

Death. Lizzie, in an attempt to prove to Carol and Tyreese that walkers aren't different than people, stabs Mika to death. Later, Carol stabs her in the head to prevent reanimation.

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