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Is Kriff a curse word?

Kriff/kriffing - First appearing in the Hand of Thrawn duology by Timothy Zahn, context would suggest it's not as strong a curse word as the F-word. However, its arrangement is very close to an English substitute, "fricking." Krong - This swear word comes from the Outer Rim pirates.

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What does De Wanna Wanga mean?

De wanna wanga. — A form of greeting. Yoka to Bantha poodoo. —"You're bantha fodder." How do you say hello in Huttese? Learn some Huttese greetings.

  1. Achuta ("Hello")
  2. Bo shuda ("Greetings")
  3. Chowbaso ("Welcome")
  4. Gooddé da lodia! ("Good day to you!")
  5. Mee jewz ku ("Goodbye")

Was Jabba meant to be human?

Before George Lucas digitally inserted a CGI Jabba the Hutt into the original Star Wars, the vile gangster was played by a human actor. Here's why. A human actor was originally on set to play Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars: A New Hope, but neither the actor nor the scene made the final cut in 1977. How do you swear in Huttese? General Expletives

Chuba (sometimes spelled chubba) is the Huttese word for "you" or "your." When used as an expletive, however, it can express surprise ("What the chubba is that?") or imply that someone is untrustworthy. Frizz/frizzled was a common swear among smugglers in the Old Republic.

How do you speak Jabba the Hutt?

The Huttese language from an ancient Incan dialect called Quechua. If you want to learn more about Huttese or other Star Wars languages. What does Anakin say in Huttese? Anakin: "Cho skrunee dopat, sleemo." (Don't count on it, slime ball.) Sebulba: "Yo can ta bantha poodoo." (You're bantha poodoo.)

What does Sebulba say when he crashes?

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The podracer, Sebulba, uses it above when he crashes after the race, and he uses it before to taunt little Anakin, basically telling him he'll be fodder for a Bantha, those huge elephant-like beasts ridden by Tusken Raiders.
What language does Sebulba speak? It's a proper Babel. Aside from the translations, some real Earth-based languages found their way into the original English language films. Greedo speaks Quechua, the ancient Inca language; Nien Nunb speaks some lines in Haya, a language from Tanzania, and Watto and Sebulba have an exchange in Finnish in Episode I.

What did Jabba look like in a new hope?

Originally, Jabba was not a giant, slug-like alien, but merely a large man in a strange, furry suit; as a result, a CGI Jabba and new dialogue in Huttese were added to the shot. But the original blocking didn't account for Jabba's tail, and so in the added scene, Han steps on Jabba's tail as he walks around the Hutt.

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