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What does Han Solo say to Jabba?

Han Solo : Tell Jabba that I've got his money. Greedo : Its too late. You should have paid him when you had the chance. Jabba put a price on your head so large, every bounty hunter will be looking for you.

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What does Jabba the Hutt say to solo?

JABBA (in Huttese subtitled) Bring me Solo and the Wookiee. They will all suffer for this outrage. Is Jabba in love with Han Solo? Because simply put if chaba couldn't have him no one could jabba the hutt never had any relations with leia or any other slave girl in his palace. Because he was and always had been in love with han

Why did Jabba keep slaves?

Because Jabba loved her misery, her loathing, her disgust, but above all else, her struggle for independence even in the bondage of lust. Simply put, Jabba had his sex slaves because their pain was his pleasure. How do Hutts mate? Hutt Physiology...

According to The Hutt Gambit Hutts don't mate with other Hutts. They are completely self contained {for a lack of a better term) sexual creatures. Jabba the Hutt basically says that Jilac (now his aunt) simply decided to become pregnant. This means that Hutts do mate with each other.

How did Princess Leia escape Jabba the Hutt?

It was during the ceremony that R2-D2 returned the Jedi's lightsaber, and a disguised Lando Calrissian helped the saboteurs escape but not before Leia strangled Jabba the Hutt with the very chain he used to tether her to his throne. Was Jabba the most powerful Hutt? Jabba the Hutt is infamous for his sedentary appearance, but he's by far the most powerful Hutt in the Star Wars saga to this point. Jabba rules a criminal enterprise that encompasses Tatooine and is strong enough to resist the direct influence of the Empire.

Can Jabba speak basic?

TIL Jabba can speak basic.. Why do Tusken Raiders wear masks? Tusken clothing and masks were originally developed to help survive the harsh Tatooine climate. The mouth grills are designed to prevent precious moisture from leaving their bodies, while the goggles likely serve to protect their vulnerable eyes from harsh sandstorms on Star Wars' iconic planet, Tatooine.

Why are Hutts protected?

In addition, the slimy coating of sweat and mucus protected them from either chemical burns or heat. Hutts were resistant to many poisons and diseases and seldom fell ill. It was also claimed that the species was indigestible with creatures such as the sarlacc facing indigestion from swallowing a Hutt.

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Why are the Hutts so rich? :: What does Jabba the Hutt do in Star Wars?
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