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What is the ID for Minecraft?

0Air (minecraft:air)
1:5Andesite (minecraft:stone)
1:6Polished Andesite (minecraft:stone)
2Grass (minecraft:grass)
3Dirt (minecraft:dirt)

Consulte Mais informação

What is the ID for a grass block?

Item IDminecraft:grass_block
Numerical ID2
Max Stack Size64
What is the ID for diamonds in Minecraft?
Item IDminecraft:diamond
Numerical ID264
Max Stack Size64
Recipes Used InBlock of Diamond, Jukebox, Enchanting Table, Diamond Sword, Diamond Shovel, Diamond Pickaxe, Diamond Axe, Diamond Hoe, Diamond Helmet, Diamond Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Diamond Boots

What is the ID for oak wood in Minecraft?

Item IDminecraft:oak_wood
Min / Max State IDs109 - 111
What is Item id? The item ID, sometimes referred to as barcode, uniquely identifies an item. This field is typically the human-readable number on the item's barcode.

How can I see my block id?

hover over an item or block to see its id

How to find a Block ID

  1. Open up your web inspector.
  2. Activate the selection tool.
  3. Click on a block.
  4. In the HTML, look for and id where they value starts with the word « block », id= »block-… »
What number is sand in Minecraft?
Item IDminecraft:sand
Numerical ID12
Max Stack Size64

What can Tuff be used for in Minecraft?

decorative purposes
Tuff is mostly used for decorative purposes in Minecraft. So you can add it to a wall and use it for any particular decoration project. It is an ornamental rock that can replace Stone, Diorite, Andesite, Granite, and Deepslate. Also, any ore that generates in Tuff becomes its Deepslate variety. How do you turn dirt into grass in Minecraft? The easiest way to grow grass on those sad dirt blocks is to raise the light level of the area. Grass will form on top of dirt blocks at high light levels. The higher the light level, the easier the grass will form.

Can you get a 10 vein of diamonds?

Diamond ore veins can generate at most 10 diamond ores adjacent to each other. However, due to the ability of ore veins colliding with each other, players will have an extremely rare chance of mining a diamond vein up to 12 diamonds.

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