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Was Quirrell a Death Eater?

It should be noted that despite his fear of Voldemort and that he was not a Death Eater, Quirrell was one of Voldemort's only followers who referred to him by name, the others being Bartemius Crouch Junior and Peter Pettigrew.

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Is the sword of Godric Gryffindor a Horcrux?

It is interesting to note that the sword is the only one of the main relics of the Hogwarts Founders that is not a Horcrux but one of the few things that can destroy a Horcrux. Was there a Gryffindor Horcrux? Voldemort had Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's diadem, Hufflepuff's cup, and a true Gryffindor. Even though it wasn't intentional, Voldemort finally found something that belonged to Gryffindor and made it into a horcrux.

How did Snape know Harry was in the forest?

Harry had to walk quite a while after he decided to follow the doe to the spot where the sword was presented to him. This makes sense if you think he could have been anywhere in the vast forest of Dean as far as Snape knew. He had to lure Harry to the sword from wherever he was in the forest. Did Voldemort know Harry was a Horcrux? Voldemort wasn't aware of Harry being a pseudo-horcrux because he didn't plan it, and Harry didn't know either until Voldemort “killed” him, but he actually killed the piece of soul kept in him.

What was Voldemort's first Horcrux?

June 13 ,1942: Tom Riddle murders Myrtle Waren (a.k.a. Moaning Myrtle) in the first-floor girls' bathroom at Hogwarts Castle, sending a piece of his soul into his diary. It becomes his first Horcrux. What is the name of Voldemort's daughter?

Delphini (born c. 1998), known by the nickname Delphi, was a British half-blood Dark witch, the daughter of Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange. Being the only child of Lord Voldemort, she was able to speak Parseltongue, and she became the only known living heir of Salazar Slytherin after the demise of her father.

How did Harry become a Horcrux?

Harry Potter became a Horcrux when the love from his mother protected him from Lord Voldemort's curse. Instead of killing Harry the curse backfired and destroyed Voldemort's body and all his power. In the course of this battle, Voldemort accidentally gave part of his powers to baby Harry as well as a piece of his soul. Did Hermione know Harry was a Horcrux? Given Hermione's intellect, many assume that Hermione realized that Harry was the last Horcrux that Voldemort accidentally created. Despite this, according to the book series, Hermione did not know that Harry was a Horcrux. After Harry defeated Voldemort, he told Hermione and Ron everything.

What can destroy a Horcrux?

A Horcrux can be destroyed with Basilisk Venom, Fiendfyre, or the Killing Curse. The Sword of Gryffindor was useful in destroying Horcruxes because it was imbued with Basilisk Venom when Harry stabbed the monstrous snake in the Chamber of Secrets. Basilisk Venom destroyed the ring, locket, and Nagini.

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