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What is wrong with Stannis Baratheon's wife?

History. Born at Dragonstone in 289 AC to Lord Stannis Baratheon and Lady Selyse Florent, Shireen contracted greyscale as an infant. The disease almost killed her, and left her disfigured. Cressen, Dragonstone's maester, feels that her sadness is a mark of his failure.

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Did Stannis love Shireen?

Although Melisandre talks about king's blood, by the logic of propitiation, Stannis's love for Shireen, the fact that she's his sole heir, and the fact that she's so lovely isn't in conflict with his disposal of her. It's the point of it. Did Tyrion meet Daenerys in the book? The last that readers saw of Tyrion in the books, he was one his way to meet Daenerys — which, as fans of the show now know leads to the destruction of King's Landing. At the end of The Dance Of Dragons, the last published ASOIAF book, Tyrion has not yet formally met Daenerys, although they are in the same proximity.

Did Tyrion get greyscale in the books?

Book Tyrion takes this treacherous voyage before his kidnapping by Jorah. Instead, at this point he's still traveling with the characters Griff and Young Griff, who seem to have been cut from the show. It is Griff who saves Tyrion from the water, and is later revealed to have contracted greyscale in doing so. Why Tyrion didnt get greyscale? It's because GRRM made a booboo that he didn't catch it.

What did Dany whisper to Jorah?

"You know what? I'll always cherish it because it's something no one will ever know but the two of us. And that's a memory to hold onto." The episode's script states: "Daenerys whispers something to him that he'll never hear and we'll never know." Do Daenerys and Jorah kiss? Then Jorah and Dany exchange syrupy goodbyes, Dany grabbing Jorah's hands and Jorah kissing hers.

What happened between Daenerys and Jorah?

Daenerys meets Jorah in the throne room of her Meereenese pyramid and questions Jorah about the pardon from Robert Baratheon, and he answers her truthfully. However, when he attempts to reach out and touch her face, Daenerys viciously recoils and banishes him from Meereen and her service, leaving Jorah with nothing. Why did Jorah get exiled? Exile. Desperate to pay off his debts, Jorah took part in one of the Seven Kingdoms' oldest taboos, slavery. When House Mormont's liege, Eddard Stark, learned that Jorah had sold poachers to a Tyroshi slaver, he condemned him to death.

How did Jorah Mormont's father died?

While traveling to Meereen, Tyrion Lannister tells Jorah Mormont that he met his father Jeor during his trip to the Wall, and reveals that he was killed by his own men during a ranging beyond the Wall.

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