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Why is stannis daughter face burned?

When Shireen was an infant, she contracted the dreaded disease known as Greyscale, which is usually fatal. It nearly killed her, but she survived, though not completely: the disease horribly disfigured her, leaving a swath of flesh on her left cheek and neck visibly dead, grey and flaking.

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Does Ser Jorah get cured?

He's a tiny bit disappointed — he did save a life after all — but he is rewarded in that he hasn't been kicked out of his own personal Hogwarts for disobedience. As for Ser Jorah, he's on his way to reunite with Daenerys, having finally obeyed her order to cure himself. Who has greyscale in the books? Victims of Greyscale

  • Princess/Septa Maegelle Targaryen, who treated children afflicted with greyscale, and died of the disease herself.
  • Harlon Greyjoy, died of greyscale.
  • Princess Shireen Baratheon, survived a bout as an infant.
  • Lord Jon Connington.
  • The Shrouded Lord.
  • The stone men.

Why did Jorah betray Daenerys?

8 He Betrays Her

Jorah is spying on the Targaryens for Varys, however, and sends vital information about them across the Narrow Sea to King's Landing. Daenerys discovers Jorah's betrayal in Season 4. Tywin Lannister instructs Varys to send one of his spies to Meereen and expose Jorah to weaken Dany's forces.
What happened Jorah Mormont? During the Battle of Winterfell, Jorah is mortally wounded defending Daenerys from certain death at the hands of the undead, though he does survive long enough to see the army felled. Jorah dies in the arms of a sobbing Daenerys, encircled by the wings of her dragon, Drogon.

Who killed Jorah Mormont?

As you might recall, the elder Mormont died at the hands of Night's Watch mutineers, who stabbed him to death at Craster's Keep back in Season 3. Who is Jorah Mormont's wife? Lynesse married Jorah after he won a tournament to celebrate the victory of King Robert against the Greyjoy Rebellion, in which Jorah wore her favor. Lynesse was used to the riches and luxury of Oldtown, and found Bear Island primitive and crude.

Where is Citadel in Game of Thrones?

The Citadel is located in Oldtown, in the Reach. Who was Daenerys Targaryen father?
father Aerys II
Before the events of Game of Thrones, Daenerys's father Aerys II — better known as The Mad King — was the ruler of Westeros and sat on the Iron Throne. While Aerys reigned, his son, Rhaegar Targaryen, was married to Elia Martell, sister of Oberyn Martell (the guy whose head was smashed by The Mountain).

Is Lyanna Mormont Jorah's sister?

Biography. Lyanna Mormont was the daughter of Maege Mormont, the niece of Lord Commander of the Night's Watch Jeor Mormont and the first cousin of Jorah Mormont. She was named after Lyanna Stark, who died years before she was born.

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Why is Jorah called the Andal? :: How did Shireen get greyscale?
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