Casa > C > Can You Twin Shield?

Can you twin shield?

Yes. At 5th level it can target 2 creatures, so it can no longer be twinned. But hey, you can target 2 creatures with it now! What if I had a smite spell active for that attack?

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Can acid splash be twinned?

It therefore can't be twinned." and yes an "Acid Dragon Sorcerer" can cast Fireball, but it's sub-optimal. Can you twin invisibility? Greater Invisibility can only target one creature, even when cast using higher level spell slots. Therefore, Twinned Spell can be used on Greater Invisibilty.

Does Hold person work on trolls?

Because a troll does not have the "humanoid" type, hold person can not affect it. Instead, you would instead have to cast hold monster, which has no such targeting requirements, and could target any creature: Choose a creature that you can see within range. Can you use hold person on a werewolf? Unless the creature already possesses a subtype that makes them immune to Mind-affecting spells, Charm Person, Hold person, etc. work as normal. Show activity on this post. Yes.

Can hold people work on undead?

Hold person works only on creatures that have the humanoid creature type. Undead is a different type. Hold monster works on any type of creature, except undead. Can you hold person a lich? No, only creatures with the humanoid tag are effected by hold person. Hold monster is a 5th level spell that effects all creatures, including undead. Quick correction: Hold Monster explicitly does not work on undead.

What level is revivify?

3rd level
Revivify is a 3rd level Necromancy spell that allows the caster to return a creature who has died very recently — within the last minute — to life. Are all undead immune to charm? Yes, they're excluded. Specific beats general. So the general rule for sleep is that all creatures within 20 feet are affected. Then, later in the spell description, a specific exception is made for undead and creatures immune to being charmed.

How long is a minute in DND?

10 rounds
1 minute is 10 rounds.

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