Casa > W > What Does Arnold Schwarzenegger Say In Terminator?

What does Arnold Schwarzenegger say in Terminator?

I'll be back
"I'll be back" is a catchphrase associated with Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was made famous in the 1984 science fiction film The Terminator.

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How do you reply to adios?

3 Answers. You can say, "¡Nos vemos!" It means, "See you later!" You can use, "Nos vemos," with pretty much any friend or family member if you are going to see that person within the following week or so. Is Hasta la vista formal or informal?

Hasta la vista

It's hard to separate this one from its pop culture reputation, and we can't deny that it's tempting to say it with an Austrian accent. However, it's indeed used as an informal closing.

How do I use Hasta La Vista?

Hasta la vista is defined as see you later in Spanish. An example of hasta la vista is how you'd say goodbye to a friend in Mexico. Goodbye; (I'll) see you again. See you later. What language is adios from?

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How do you say goodbye in 20 languages?

However, by looking at a handful of them, you might already recognize the most common “goodbye” in a few languages.

  1. Spanish = Adios.
  2. Italian = Arrivederci.
  3. French = Au Revoir.
  4. Portuguese = Adeus.
  5. German = Auf Wiedersehen.
  6. Japanese = Sayōnara.
  7. Russian = Do svidaniya.
  8. Korean = Annyeong.
What Moshi Moshi means?
Moshi moshi, or もしもし, is a common Japanese phrase that Japanese people use when picking up the phone. It's a casual greeting used for friends and family, like a “hello”, but in fact means something entirely different! In English, it literally means something more like, “to say to say”, or “I speak I speak”.

What's the meaning of Mucho Gusto?

“nice to meet you
Mucho Gusto Pronounced: Moo-cho Goo-stow. This phrase means “nice to meet you.” It is obviously used when you're meeting someone for the first time. It can be used in the beginning and the end of the conversation. What is the Spanish slang for have a good night? To wish someone “have a good night” in Spanish, you say Que tengas buenas noches.

What language is this Cómo estás?

Spanish language
Gerald Erichsen is a Spanish language expert who has created Spanish lessons for ThoughtCo since 1998. ¿Cómo estás? How are you? With that simple line — it's pronounced "KOH-moh ess-TAHSS" — you can greet almost any Spanish speaker you've met before.

De Colombi Hemmen

What is the famous line from Jaws? :: What is the meaning of hasta la vista baby?
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