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Who is the smartest Death Eater?

1 Severus Snape

Snape's careful planning saved the day many times. If this list spoke to emotional intelligence, there'd be a different conclusion - terrorizing eleven-year-olds and staying hung up on your high school crush for literal decades are sure choices - but Snape was definitely the smartest Death Eater.

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Who is the strongest Death Eater?

1 Strongest: Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix was also completely insane, which allowed her to go to any and all lengths. Aside from being the only recorded Death Eater to block a spell from Dumbledore, Bellatrix was particularly skilled at Occlumency.
Who was Voldemort's wife?

Bellatrix Lestrange
SpouseRodolphus Lestrange

Is Quirrel a Pillbug?

Quirrel's specific species is never stated, but the general consensus is that he's a pillbug. Where is Quirrel after Blue Lake? The last time we see Quirrel ingame, he is sitting at the Blue Lake after the Knight kills Monomon the Teacher. After that, Quirrel disappears, leaving behind his nail sticking out of the ground and his ultimate fate left uncertain. Except not really, because Quirrel is definitely dead.

What happens to Tiso?

Despite his bravado, he is never actually fought, as he dies off-screen in the Colosseum of Fools, his body later found dumped by the acid pits at the bottom of Kingdom's Edge with the other slain warriors. Is Professor Quirrell Indian? No. A good rule of thumb, if a character in HP isn't white, it's either explicitly stated at some point (Dean Thomas, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan) or they have a very ethnic name (Padme and Parvati Patil).

How old is Voldemort?

When Lord Voldemort died during the Battle of Hogwarts he was 71 years old. Given the fact that his age remains a mystery unless you look into the books, his relationships with other characters throughout the franchise remain unclear. If you would like to learn a bit more about this topic keep reading the article. Is Quirrell a Ravenclaw? Correct House: Slytherin

Due to his actions in The Philosopher's Stone, Slytherin seemed the obvious house for Quirrell. Surprisingly, he was actually sorted into Ravenclaw. As a student, Quirrell was often bullied at school due to his nervous demeanour.

How did Harry turn Professor Quirrell?

Lily's sacrifice and her love saved Harry. Voldemort can not comprehend love, and so it destroys him to touch Harry because Lily's love for her son runs through Harry's veins and body. kerrdekerr Harry burnt Quirrell's face when he touched it.

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