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Which Hogwarts house is Luna Lovegood in?

House Ravenclaw

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Why is Harry a Parselmouth?

We learn in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that Harry's ability to speak Parseltongue is actually related to the soul shard that Voldemort lost when trying to kill Harry. That soul shard had attached itself to Harry, and was the source of this ability, as well as the ability to see into Voldemort's mind. What house was Cedric?

Cedric Diggory is the most prominent Hufflepuff in the original Harry Potter series, as he is a Prefect, the captain of Hufflepuff's Quidditch team and an eventual Triwizard Champion. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Cedric catches the Golden Snitch in a game against Gryffindor.

Who is the most famous Hufflepuff?

Harry Potter: Notable Hufflepuffs, Ranked By Power

  1. 1 Helga Hufflepuff. It should come as no surprise, but the most powerful and legendary Hufflepuff of all time is the titular lass herself, Helga Hufflepuff.
  2. 2 Fat Friar.
  3. 3 Newt Scamander.
  4. 4 Nymphadora Tonks.
  5. 5 Theseus Scamander.
  6. 6 Pomona Sprout.
  7. 7 Hannah Abbott.
  8. 8 Teddy Lupin.
What was Dumbledore's house?
House Gryffindor
Gryffindor House

Albus Dumbledore
In-universe information
Full nameAlbus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

What house is Lockhart?

Ravenclaw house
Sorted into Ravenclaw house, Lockhart was soon achieving good marks in his schoolwork, but there was always a kink in his nature that made him increasingly unsatisfied. If he was not first and best, he would rather not participate at all. Increasingly, he directed his talents towards short cuts and dodges. How does Fawkes the phoenix save Harry? In 1993, he brought the Sorting Hat to Harry in the Chamber of Secrets, and defended him from Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk by pecking out its eyes. When a fang pierced Harry's arm and poisoned him with its venom, Fawkes used his tears to heal the wound, saving Harry's life.

What attacked Hermione in the toilets?

a troll
Affiliation. "Point me!" This article is about the bathroom where Hermione Granger was attacked by a troll. You may be looking for the bathroom haunted by Myrtle Warren. The First-Floor Girls' Toilets was a lavatory located on the first floor of Hogwarts Castle. Which Hufflepuff student was petrified by the Basilisk?
Nicholas de Mimsy-PorpingtonSaw the Basilisk directly, but as a ghost he could not die again, so thus was only Petrified.
Justin Finch-FletchleySaw the Basilisk through the ghost of Sir Nicholas, who was transparent, did not see the Basilisk directly.

Why does Myrtle stay in the bathroom?

She had been hiding in that bathroom because she was being teased by Olive Hornby, when she heard someone come in and heard that person speaking. She realized it was a boy, so she opened her stall to tell him to get out of the girls' bathroom, only to find herself face to face with the Basilisk. (CS16).

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