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Who has a crush on Ron Weasley?

By the beginning of her sixth year, Lavender had developed a crush on Ron Weasley. She complimented him, flirted with him, and wished him luck in his Quidditch games. After a particularly good performance in one of those games, Ron and Lavender ended up kissing.

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When did Ron start liking Hermione?

Of the two of them, it was Hermione who realized she liked Ron first as she dropped heavy hints in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire of her attraction. She fully realized she liked him by the time of the Yule Ball, but didn't do anything because of Ron's tactless behavior at the time. Do Hermione and Ron get divorced? Ron and Hermione aren't divorced. In fact they are happily married and madly in love. The two alternate timelines also show, despite they aren't a couple, that they nonetheless have romantic feelings for each other.

When did Harry kiss Hermione?

Scene from the Deathly Hallows book, where Ron, after destroying one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, has a vision of Hermione kissing Harry, thus choosing his best friend over him. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is one of the most popular and lucrative franchises in modern history. Who is Harry's bestfriend? Throughout his many years at Hogwarts, Harry faces numerous obstacles and perilous adventures besides his two best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Ronald, better known as Ron Weasley, instantly bonds with Harry at the start of their Hogwarts career.

How many girlfriends did Harry Potter have?

And while most people may only remember Harry Potter's two girlfriends, there's actually a much longer list of girls he was romantically involved with – or at least, supposedly. Is Hermione friends with Luna? But they were never friends.

Hermione never got over Luna's oddities (particularly her belief in things she couldn't prove) thus making friendship impossible. Ron obviously thought she was a loon too, but he didn't mind her (Ron's just chill like that).

When did Harry fall in love with Ginny?

3 The Half-Blood Prince - They Finally Get Together

After years of build-up, Harry finally starts to have feelings for Ginny in The Half Blood Prince - and one of the first moments he realizes it is when he smells Amortentia, and it smells like 'something flowery he had smelled at the Burrow'... Ginny's hair!
Does Emma Watson still talk to Daniel Radcliffe? Radcliffe shared that the two still remained good friends after their spat. But he learned a valuable lesson about Watson that he wanted to share with others. “Such a w**ky argument, looking back, and it got totally out of hand.

How does Hermione help Harry?

Helping Harry beat an actual dragon

As well as providing emotional support for Harry, it was Hermione who taught him one of his most useful spells ever: Accio, the Summoning Charm, which he used to evade the Hungarian Horntail in the first task. She stayed up until 2am helping him, too.

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